Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Baqt III. (chief of the Oryx nome), biography, ii. 6 ; titles,
43 ; parentage, ib.; figures of, 46, 47, 49, 50 ; hunting
and fowling, 47; procession of statue, scene, 49 ; father
of Khety, 52.

- tomb of, ii. 25; description, 41-50 ; architecture,

45, 7G ; scenes, &c, 45-50.
Baqt, dau. of Khnemhotep I., i. 82 ; biography, ii. 9.
Baqt, dau. of Khnemhotep II., i. 44; figure of, 72; and

dau. of Khety, ii. 12.
Baqt, mother of Khnemliotcp L, i. 82 ; ii. 8 ; statue of,

i. 84.

Baqt, mother of Khnemhotep II., i. 42, 55, 6G ; figure of, 72.
Baqt, architect of the tomb of Khnemhotep II., i. 57, 66, 70.
Baqt, father of Nechta, i. 47.
Baqt, sahu of Khnemhotep II., i. 72.
Baqt, scribe of Amenemhat, i. 15.
Baqt, son of Chnemunecht, scribe of Amenemhat, i. 32.
Baqt, steward of Khnemhotep II., i. 49.
Baqt, superintendent of Amenemhat, i. 17.
Baqt, superintendent of Khnemhotep IT., i. 49.
Baqt, vice-magistrate of Khnemhotep II., i. 50.
Barber shaving, scene, ii. 47, 57.
Baskets carried by men, scene, ii. 59.
, Bastinadoeing of defaulters, scene, ii. 49.
Battle-axe, discovery of, ii. 80.
Battle-scenes, i. 33 ; ii. 48, 60.
Beba, superintendent of Khnemhotep II., i. 48.
Beer, department of, scene, i. 31.
Beni Hasan, necropolis of, situation, ii. 17.
- tombs of, their situation, i. 1 ; object, ib.; date,

2 ; paintings in, ib.; ii. 2; architecture of, 3; list of, 7;

sculptured decorations, ii. 1 ; architectural decorations,

2; scenes, 3-5 (arrangement of, 3; subjects of, 4) ;

biographical inscriptions in, 5-1G ; date of, 7; geography

of, 16-22 ; deities represented in, 22, 23.
Biographical inscriptions in tombs, ii. 5.
Biographies of Khnemhotep the scribe, ii. 5 ; of the family

of Baqt I., ib.; of the family of Khnemhotep L, 7-13;

of the family of Amenemhat, 13-16.
Birds, driving of, scene, i. 69.
Bird-traps, scene, ii. 59.
Boars, wild, ii. 56.
Boat-builders, scene, i. 68.
Boating scenes, i. 84 ; ii. 33, 56.
Border patterns and decorations, ii. 3.
Bowyers, scenes, i. 31.
Box-making, scene, i. 31.
Bread, department of, scene, i. 31.
Bread-making, scene, ii. 48.

BuO), island of, its situation, ii. 20 ; identified with Alyi, ib.
Bull, sacrifice of, scene, ii. 62.


Bulls fighting, scenes, i. 69 ; ii. 35, 36.

Husiris, pilgrimage to, scene, i. 33 ; see also Tatu.

Calves, ii. 56.

Canoes, men in, scene, i. 70.

Carpentering, scenes, i. 31, 68 ; ii. 57.

Cattle, presentation of, scene, i. 32 ; fattening of, scene, 69 ;

leading of, scene, ib.; driven by herdsmen, ii. 61.
Ceiling decorations, nature of, ii. 2.
Cha, herdsman of Amenemhat, i. 18.
Chair-making, scene, i. 31.
Cheni, superintendent of Amenemhat, i. 16.
Cheper-ka-Ra (Usertsen I.), i. 21, 25.
Cherneter, i. 23.
Cheti, see Khety.

Chetrui, nurse of Khnemhotep II., i. 47.

Chiropodist, scene, ii. 47.

Chnem-, see Khnem-.

Chuanch, scribe of Amenemhat, i. 15.

Club exercise, scene, ii. 49.

Coffins, discovery of, ii. 79-81 ; description of, 81.
Columns, decoration of, ii. 3 ; lotus bud, 60 ; mode of con-
struction, 74.
Confectionery, making of, scenes, i. 31 ; ii. 48, 56.
Cooking, scene, ii. 56.
Coopers, scene, i. 31.
Coptic graffiti in tombs, ii. 65-68.

Coptos, city of, i. 26 ; expedition of Amenemhat to, ii. 16 ;

its situation, 21.
Corn-grinding, scenes, ii. 48, 56.
Cranes, Hock of, scene, ii. 59.
Crews, quarrelling, scene, ii. 34.
Crocodile, i. 70.

Cynopolite nome, let Jackal nome.

Dado, decoration of, ii. 3.

Dadu, city of, see Busiris.

Dancing scenes, i. 32 ; ii. 49, 57, 61.

Date of the tombs, i. 2.

Decoration of the tombs, ii. 1-5.

Degu, superintendent of Amenemhat, i. 17.

Deities, funerary, ii. 22 ; represented and recorded, 22-23.

Der-el-Bersheh, its identification with Mernefert, ii. 21.

Djat, sahutet figure of, i. 72.

Donkeys, driving of, scenes, see Asses.

Draughts, game of, scenes, ii. 50, 57.

Dut-heru, nome, ii. 17.

Dwarfs, ii. 61.

El-Anbaga, city, situation of, ii. 19 note.
El-Bersheh, tombs of, their resemblance to those at Beni
Hasan, i. 2.