Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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TOMB No. 7.

Tomb of the -^ /"*? ' " ^



This tomb is almost entirely destroyed. It
apparently consisted of a single chamber,
19 feet 7 inches deep by 19 feet 1 inch wide
(see plan, pi. xviii.), the height of which was
about 8 feet 6 inches. In the back wall there
is a square doorway, apparently too low for a
shrine, and probably the entrance to a sloping
mummy-pit, which, however, was not cleared.
The walls of the latter, so far as they were
visible, are plain. A small false door is sculp-
tured at the inner end of the left-hand wall.
There are a few traces of painted kheker orna-
ment at the top of the walls, but all vestiges
of the paintings below have been destroyed.
On the ceiling, however, are the inscriptions
given in pi. xix. These inscriptions consist of
funerary texts similar to those of the Booh of the
Dead, and frequently introduce the name and
titles of the owner, which in one place appear
to occupy several columns. It is impossible
to restore the arrangement of these inscrip-
tions. The outline of the remaining portion
of the ceiling is marked on the plan, pi. xviii. ;
the fragment No. 7, with the rudely painted
star, was' in the left-hand outer corner, and
beyond this the whole of the inner portion had
been occupied by four transverse bands of in-
scriptions in short columns of smaller hiero-
glyphs. Of these bands large fragments
remain, numbered 1 to 6 and 8 on the plate.
Nos. 7, 8, 5, 3 and 1 are from the left-hand
edge of the ceiling, the remainder from the

other side, separated from the former by a
broad space, from which the inscriptions have
been worn away. It appears that none of the
inscriptions are identical with any in the Bool;
of the Dead, but in lines 5-7 of fragment
iSTo. 1 there is a passage very similar to
chapters 57 and 60 of Lepsius' publication.1
The columns run, as usual with texts in
linear hieroglyphs, contrary to the direction
of the hieroglyphs. Each column commences
with the signs || zed medn, "pronounce the
formula"; but the sense of the chapters runs
on from line to line, so that these signs must
be omitted in reading. The texts are divided

into chapters with headings, "chapterof......,"

unfortunately in a very fragmentary state. The
name of the deceased is frequently quoted as
^0 Nehera pen, "this Nehera,' but in

lines 15-18 of the third fragment we find a
number of religious titles preceding the name,
and evidently placed at the end of an important
section of the texts. These titles read :—

dmakhy ha Merp nesti mer hen neter ur dua (?) udb
aa ne Zehuti em sekhert sebd heru art net-a maa
neferu neb- [e/] em est [zesert ?]

" The devoted one, the /i,a-prince, regulator of the two
thrones, superintendent of the priests, great of

........., great wa5-priest of Thoth in overthrowing

the rebellious on the day of affixing the rates of
contribution, seeing the beauties of [his] lord in the
[sacred] places.-"

R. Lepsius, Das Todteribuch der Aegypter.
