Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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bering backwards from the beginning of the
Berlin Papyrus, the lines in the Amherst frag-
ments may be designated as 16, 15 ; 12, 11, 10,
9, 8 ; 4, 3, 2, 1 ; the last almost joins the Berlin

In the first fragment (Plate I, M) the hieratic
signs are too mutilated to be decipherable ; but

in 1. 15 there are the signs 8f|l 1

belonging to the cartouche of Amenemhat I
(o P 'O'ljj. In the second fragment (lettered

N) are parts of five lines (11. 12-8).





9. §f£^ • WlT

8. H^ja^

The third fragment (lettered 0) contains only
three signs; on the fourth and fifth (lettered
P. Q) are remains of four lines.

2. is too mutilated to decipher.

I l I

By the help of these fragments and Prof.
Maspero's late ostracon, an attempt to recon-
struct the text iu the style of the ancient
papyrus has been made by Mr. F. LI. Griffith.
It is to be found in the Proceedings of the
Society of Biblical Archceology, Vol. XIV, p. 452.


PAPYRUS No. V. (The Lee Papyhds.)

(Vide Plates 11 and III.)

Fiiauments of two pages of a papyrus con-
taining an abstract of criminal proceedings
dealing with a case of sorcery, written in a
beautiful hieratic handwriting of the XXth
dynasty (circa Ramses III).

This papyrus was bought by Dr. Lee at
Mr. Burton's sale (Hartwell House Catalogue,
No. 436), and purchased by Lord Amherst of
Hackney with Dr. Lee's Egyptian collection
about 1868. The fragments were then mounted
and arranged as in Dr. Lee's fac-simile (I.e.
PI. II), but were placed in their right order in
1892 by the present writer. The document was
first fac-similed by S. Sharpe (Egyptian In-
scrijjlious, Second Series, Pis. LXXXVII-VIII)
in 1855, and three years later Dr. Lee gave a

lithographic reproduction of it in his Hartwell
House Catalogue (PI. II). In 1860, Chabas
published a transcription and study of the text
in his essay on Lc Papyrus Magique Harris
(pp. 169-173), and in 1865, T. Deveria gave
an account of it in the Journal Asiatique, No. 9,
with a reproduction of Sharpe's fac-simile.* A
short notice has also been given of it by Prof.
Erman (Zeitschrift fiir Aegyptisehe sprache,
1879, pp. 76 ff.), and by Dr. Spiegelberg in
his valuable essay on Egyptian law (Studien
und Matericdien turn Rechtswesen des Pharao-
nenreiches der Dynast XVI1I-XXI, p. 132).

The papyrus consists of two pages measuring
respectively: 1st page, 19 inches long by 9i
inches high; 2nd page, 11 inches long by 9£
inches high.

* Reprink'd hi Maspero's Bibliothcipie jZyi/ptvluyitjuc,
Tome 5, Plates IX and X.

C 2