Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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neTUKV THpoT JULnncuoK Ki.n Tmot Ki.n
45 cy^cnroeiaj niJUL neT | rtiTuoXJULi. eni.pi.&e
n2uxii.eHKe ottg cgAjuuLiu ovTe pcuJULe
enuuine eT&eTi.npoc$cnrpi. JULrcni.ni.cii
rtTi-iopeKHq i.XXi. epeni.g,i.i rt^-ojcune equj ■
nxoeic i.x«Ti.npoc<i>opi. THpec £,rceoTe
so | rmito-tfTe eqrtiTiHKe ruuLoc xenneXi/re
npioJULe ecytf^cfoJUL nxmKe kjuloc rtci.fi.eX-


Xnq eicopeK nnno-rTe ni.rcTOTKpi.Tcop xe
Xi.**e erci.pxort niJL*- &iXi.aji.rte g,iTKnoc

55 kijul eq^i-eioo-* | eTrooctjer rti.q eqrci.xcu-
juieq10 «5.2a2ueHKe eTpeq&i-pK,?, i.poc KiTi.
oh eTCHg, xeeK^icTi rti.s eTpi.pnerre&ni-i :
.p.juLniTenujine neTrtiTtuXjuLi. eni.pi.&e

eo ruuLoc rccyopen julgit nne | neTJuuuLi.T ti&ktt
nXi.e iXXi. ncyopen nTHnoc11 JULHit eqrti.-
ajuime eqcu rtajjULJt«.o eni.rti.cy er[o]Ti.i..&
err[oiraj.sjL]aje «i.q neicoT [jut]rtnajHpe jutrt-
nru.Tr[jui]<s. eTOTi.i.& i/srco ort equi-i"nXovoc


051 najoJULeT e[rc]ofirii.13 rtrtofi. rceci.nnTe
ruuL[o]q £,nTeq£,inocTi.ac JULrtrtccuc rcceni.-
pi.cKe-*e<;e njuioq Ti-peq&con ircfoJUL hti-
xu.eKKe JULnTcuuLii.13 nnXi.aji.rte rcnKHpoc


70 eTJUUDti-t xi | xii.©HKe otn ecrti.cytone


i.noK Tci&Xe TertTi.cajpnc&i.i Tne


cthxh i-Ti2s.ii.eHKe JULng/uft muu.

lie ?

eqcHg, i.poc efioxei-TOToajec i.poi i.icoTJULc
75 e-M.enTpjuinKK.iuLe | i.-*cjj on i-ini.pi.Ki.Xe
no-srpeqc&i-i JULn^enKOTJUinTpe eTpeju.i.p-

THpeCOi.1 &i.pOI i.IKOC i.&oX cue npCUKCTH -f-

£ui.rcoK i.nTpei.c ncynpe JULnJULi.Ki.pioc

4>ofii.JUL(Jjn "fa) JULJULttTpe

so -f i.noK [rejtupvioc najHpe JULnjULi.K, ci.[juL- .

OT]hX 'foo JULJULftTpe

-f i.noK||||najHpe JULnjuLi-K, il/i.n -feu

i.noK . ecu . jctoc ni.ni.vrt(jocxHC ni.ni.

KTpIi.koc 15 i.ic^i.1 gji-pCJJOT s3

xe|juLeTnoi nc£,i.i +

■f i.rcoK ceTHpoc ncynpe niuuLi.Ki.peioc

ciJULOTHX i.ic^i.1 nTeTii-OHKe nTi.cTlx


npoc thticic nneTCJULine njuLoc +


In the name of the Father and the Son and the
Holy Ghost (irvev/ia) ! Upon this day, which is
the 25th day of Mesore, in this year of the 12th
(SuSe/caTo?) Indiction (ivSikthov) ; before the
most honourable (jifiiwraTo^) | Loontios and 5
Mena, magistrates of the township (icao-Tpov)

I, Tsible, the daughter of Gapatios, since (eirei^r))
I have fallen into a serious {lit. troublesome)
malady, I have been afraid lest (jirjiroTe) God
should seek after me and I should depart out of
this I life (/3(o?) and leave my property uncared-10
for (readairpovor)TO<t) and my offering (irpoafyopa),
I have had recourse (therefore) to this testament
(SiaOrjicti), untransgressable (waTafiaiveiv), in-
dissoluble ; (and) we (sic) have further con-
firmed it by means of trustworthy (a!;ioTricrTo<i)
witnesses, | and with a scribe to write on their 15
behalf; (and this) while my mind is fixed, as I
sit upon my bed, my understanding (vow;) being
steadfast and my reason (\o<yicrfj,oi) firm. For I
was afraid lest (firiTrore) the decree (airo^aai;)
reach me also, like | all men, even as (Kara) 2o
God the Word (x0709) enjoined upon our com-
mon father, Adam, saying, Earth art thou ; to
the earth shalt thou return.

1 have had recourse to this testament (8ia0i)Ktj)
because I have recognized that my husband
devotes himself (Trpoo-e^cw) to me in all my
business | and looks to my interest ((jjiXoKaXem) 25
in all service, cherishing (OzXTretv) me with all
his power. (And) I said, lest God question me
at his fearful tribunal (ffyj/xa) concerning his
(i.e., my husband's) trouble and my offering
(irpoatfiopa) ;

So (ye) now I do order (/ceXevew) in this wise | re- 30
garding the four trimesia (Tpi/^rjatov); my hus-
band shall take them and shall give them as an
offering (irpoa^opa) on my behalf. And more-
over, my portion (fiepos) of a house, that came
to me from my father, and my portion (jiepo;)