Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Nicholson, Peter
The student's instructor in drawing and working the five orders of architecture — London, 1823

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Note, These are the forms of regular mouldings,
viz. the height equal to the projection : but there
are other forms, where the projection is often
less than the height, and the curvature of the
moulding much flatter; however the same me-
thods for describing the one, will do for the other.



To describe the Cima Revei^sa A, join the projections
at a, and b, by the line ab, and proceed in the same
manner as with the cima recta before described.

To describe a quirked Cima Reversa B, divide the
perpendicular height into seven parts; with two of
the parts describe a semicircle ce; on a draw a
line from e c, and on the height of the first division
from the bottom b, describe the arc cd, and it will
complete the moulding.

The quirked Cima Reversa C, is described in a si-
milar manner, as is plain on inspection.

To describe a quirked Ovolo D, divide the height
into four equal parts; with one part on c, describe
the arc a fg. Join c b to the end of the fillet below ;
on b describe the arc cd, on c, with the distance ab,
describe an arc cutting the former at d; through d,
and c, draw the line def, cutting the small circle at
f; then with a radius, dfy describe the arc f b, and
it will complete a quirked ovolo.

To describe the quirked Moulding E, flatter in the
lower fart than that at D, describe the smaller circle
as in the last; and through its centre, and the end b