The usefulness of this little volume lias been
fully proved by the great numbers which have
been sold : a new Edition being now called for,
I have examined the work throughout, and
have made such corrections and additions, as
appeared to be necessary to adapt it to the
prevailing style of architecture : to this purpose
I have given a new plate containing a variety
of Modern Mouldings, also six new ones of
Antique Doric Capitals and entablatures, with
the parts at large and in detail: so that in this
small work every member of these specimens
of ancient magnificence is equally clear and
distinct, as in the large work of the original
author; and as I have reduced the proportions
to the modular scale, they are more easily put
in practice. Upon the whole, it will be found
The usefulness of this little volume lias been
fully proved by the great numbers which have
been sold : a new Edition being now called for,
I have examined the work throughout, and
have made such corrections and additions, as
appeared to be necessary to adapt it to the
prevailing style of architecture : to this purpose
I have given a new plate containing a variety
of Modern Mouldings, also six new ones of
Antique Doric Capitals and entablatures, with
the parts at large and in detail: so that in this
small work every member of these specimens
of ancient magnificence is equally clear and
distinct, as in the large work of the original
author; and as I have reduced the proportions
to the modular scale, they are more easily put
in practice. Upon the whole, it will be found