Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Nicholson, Peter
The student's instructor in drawing and working the five orders of architecture — London, 1823

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THE following Treatise will be found particularly
useful to Students in Architecture. It contains a
complete developement of the methods of drawing
and working the five orders, which may be said to
be the foundation, the very ABC of the art of build-
ing: as from these, with their several proportions and
variations, arises all that is great, elegant, or harmo-
nious in the noblest structure; wherefore I most
earnestly recommend to the student, to obtain a
thorough knowledge of every order, its parts, pro-
portions, and entire figure, as being absolutely neces-
sary to all who aspire to eminence in this profession.

To this purpose the following work is well adapted,
and gives in the most detailed and accurate manner,
examples of the five orders, their proportions and en-
richments, according to the present taste; which are
so completely explained by the lines, and the measure-
ment on the plates, that a little attention will enable
every person readily to comprehend the proportion,
use, and situation of each member: and also the
several methods adopted in calculating the parts, and
for setting them off on rods for practice, to any scale.
The manner of drawing them on paper is fully ex-
plained, and I must here advise the student to make
a diligent practice of drawing the outlines to a large