Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Aahmes, 17
Ab, stele of, 13, 26, 27
Adze, bronze, 15
Aha-ankh, 7, 28, 32
Akhenaten, 11, 15, 17, 32
A-khenuti, 27
Alabaster jars, 16

used in house, 16
Alabaster, method of working, 33
Amen-ankhs, 18
Amenemhat II, 10, 17
Amenemhat III, 4, 17
Amenhotep, I, 17

III, 18
Ameny, 8, 14, 19, 22, 30
Ameny-senb, 25
Amulets, 18

Amulet, turquoise hawk, 7
Anhery, 13, 27
An-ka-s, 27
Ankh-nes-pa-aten, 18
Ankht-es, 9
Ankhy, 29

Antef, S, 8, 14, 22, 23, 29
Apis, busts of, 34

suckled by I sis, 34
Apiy, 10, 11, 17, 18, 20, 27
Applied reliefs on pottery, 34
Armlets of beads, 24
Arrows in offerings, 24
Arrowheads, bronze, 15
Arua, 33
Ata, 26

Aten, 11, 17, 18, 32
Aut, 27
Ay, 18

Bag-box for papyri, 24
Bak-amen, 19

Barrel vaulting, 25
Bast, amulet of, 18
Batons in offerings, 24
Beads, figured in offerings, 24

gold, 12
Bera or Biry, 10, 15
Bes figures, 34
Boat of Ra, model of, 8
on stele, 27
Bottle, glass, 11
Bows in offerings, 24
Bricks, sizes, 3, 4
Bronzes, group of, 33
Broome, Miss M., 1

Canopic heads, 9, 23

jars, 13, 14, 16, 30
contents, 14
Capitals, Roman, 34
Carnelian barrel beads, 7

necklace, 10
Cemeteries, ancient management of, 21
dates of, 4
described, 4
list of, 1
Chamber, pointed roofed, 9
Clothes-box, 18
Cobra in offerings, 24
Coffins, inscribed, 5, 28
painted, 23
pottery, 18
Crocodiles, bones, 4
Crocodile, chalcedony, 18
Cylinders, 17

Decoration of tomb-chamber, 25

Demeter, head of, 34

Derry, Dr., 6

Disc in offerings, 24
