Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Plutarchus; Squire, Samuel [Hrsg.]; Xylander, Wilhelm [Bearb.]; Baxter, William [Bearb.]; Bentley, Richard [Bearb.]; Markland, Jeremiah [Bearb.]
Plutarchu Peri Isidos kai Osiridos: Graece et Anglice — Cantabrigiae, 1744

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HE following Sheets are a Transsatiori

of the preceding Trail of Plutarch.

concerning Isis and Ofiris. It has been ah
ready twice attempted in Engliih; the first
time by Philemon Holland^ and afterwards by
^.Baxter. The present Veriion is very different
from both these, but whether it be preferable
to them, must be submitted to the determina-
tion of the candid Reader, who has leisure
enough to compare them, and skill sufficient
to judge of their merit—Dr. Holland's charac-
ter, as a Tranilator, is too well known to ima-
gin that it can interfere with any new under-
taking of this kind. Mr.TTw^r indeed was
an excellent Scholar, and had carefully sludied
his Author, as appears from the many well-
judged Emendations he has made in the Text
of the Original—but his Veriion, I fear, has
neither Elegance enough nor Coherence to
please the delicacy of an Engliih Reader; like
a heap of Stones and Sand without Cement,
his work is little better than a mere mass oi
materials rough and unpoliihed,without beauty