Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Punch — 32.1857

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262 INDEX. [June 27, 1857.

Teetotal FalstafE(A), 219
Temptation of a very Bad Joke (The),

Ten Towns (The), 51
Things that it's Better to do, 21
Things which no Bachelor will do, 8
Thirty Thousand Pounds' Worth of Sor-
row, 225
Three-Legged Stool (The), 149
Tickets-of-Leave! 63
Tickets-of-Leave to Ride, 18
Tilt at the Toll Gates (A), 197
Tittle-Tattle at the Tittle-Tattlers' Club,

To Remove Inkstains, 150
Too Hard on the Turf, 137
Tragedy in Fleet Street, 193
Training for Court, 2-16
Tranquillity on Washing Day, 57

Religion in a Playbill, 128
" Resolute (The)," 14
Resolute and the Irresolute (The), 11
Revival of Witchcraft, 159
Rights of Women (The), 130, 209
Roar from the Helvetian Lion (A), 139
Rogue and the Racehorse (The), 203
Romance of High and Low Life (A), 100
Royal Nursery Rhymes, 180
Russell's Lectures, 219
Ruskin at the Feet of Spurgeon, 129
Russia in France, 182
" Safe as the Bank"—("British to Wit)

Sale or Sell, 234
Savage Custom (A), 38
Sohoolmaster in the City (The), 180
Scotland Again in Mourning, 42
Servant's Warning (The), 23

" Set a Thief to Catch a Thief," 17 Transatlantic 1 igers, 255

Shakspearian Note and Query (A), 199 > Triumph of Art (A), 21
Shoe-Black Brigade (The), 80
Shop-Hunting Intelligence, 21
Short Way with a Lunatic (A), 255
Siege of Greenwich (The), 24
Singers in the Sawdust, 222
Sir Charles Napier at Sea, 188
Sir Robert Peel Explains, 74
Sir Robert Peel on Moscow, 235
Sir Robert Peel's Descent on Moscow ! 27
Snippings and Clippings, 187
Social Intelligence, 7

Social Treadmill (The), 178, 131, 191, 208,

211, 229, 253
Solon Goose to Malmesbury (The), 214
Some More Chapters in the History of

John Bull, 67, 77
Something New on Heads, 102
Song and Glee of Merry England, 163
Song of the Ticket-of-Leave Man, 22
Song of the Rejected, 8
Songs by a Caged Bird, 139
Sorrows of Gentility (The), 90
Southwark and the Baltic, 179
Sparks from Flints, 152
Speaker in Rhyme (The), 164
Spirits by Retail, 27

Tubular Bridge of Fashion (A), 60
Two Artists Rolled into One, 69
Two Life-Dramas, 151
Two Pedestals (The), 189
ultra-Protestant Precaution, 29
Umbrellometer (The), 230

Un-English History, 108 Recoil of the Great Chinese Gun Trick,

" Unity is Strength "—of Appetite, 207 145


Balancing Brothers of Westminster, 85

Behind the Scenes, 135

Blue Riband of the Turf (The), 216

Cons'antine Pry's Visit to England, 237

Criminal Indulgence, 25

Descend, ye Nine ! 65

Dowry of the Princess Royal (The), 217

French Game of Leap Frog (The), 45

Great and Important Event, 165

Great Chinese Warriors Dah-Bee and

Cob-Den (The), 95
How they Settled Neufchatel! 227
Invitation (An), 105
Jolly Gardener (The), 205
Lesson to John Chinaman (A), 185
New Broom (The), 195
Old Hand (An), 155
()pening of Parliament, 175
i'al-er-ton's New Game, 35
Pam, Winner of the Great National

Steeple-Chace, 125
Poor Frozen-Out Tea-Gardeners (The),

Prussian Disturber of the Peace (The), 15

Unseasonable Benevolence, 3
Unwarrantable Liberty, 200
Utram Harum Mavis Accipe, 163
Very ill Weed, (A), 20
Very Low Church Indeed ! 9
Ware Russian Railways, 169
Ways and Means, 33
Weather and the Croppers (The), 28
Weavers, the Duke, and the Duchess (The\

Weed in the Workhouse (The), 242
Wellington Monument (The), 234
What I Heard, Saw, and Thought, at the

Sydenham Festival, 257
What Locksley Hall said, &c, 212
What's Bred in the Stone, 258
Who is to Stand it? 20
Who Names the Navy? 212

Seven Pence to the Bank, 75
Strange Bed-fellows, 259
Swell Mob at the Opening of Parlia-
ment, 55

Switzerland Warming the Snake, 5
Training-School for Ladies about to
Appear at Court, 248


Good Gracious ! She's at Home ! 191
Good Liver (A), 64

Great Tobacco Controversy (The), 91,182
Homage to Hans Christian Andersen. 11
In a Hurry, 44

Ingenious Mr. Flyrod (The), 253
Innate Politeness, 58
Is Smoking Injurious? 124
It is Quite Possible to have Too Much

of a Good Thing, 258
Latest case of Witchcraft (The), 188
Lord John Settling the Jew Bill, 213
Macbeth at Astley's, 12
Makin' fun of hus in that Ridic'lous

Manner, 212
Man of Some Consequence (A), 24
Moral Lesson from the Nursery (A), 130
Moustache Movement (The), 100
Mr. Hobble-de-Hoye and the Chesnuts,

Mrs. Mopus's H's, 194
N.B., 94

New Straw Stables at Aldershot (The),

None of that Horrid Washing these cold

mornings, 54
Of a very Studious Turn, 154
Offended Dignity, 121
Old Mr. Wiggles, 20
Omnibus drawn by Quadrupeds with

Prominent Ribs, 245
Order of the Thistle (The), 142
Our Own Vivandiere, 221
Out for the Day, 104
Pegasus, by our Irish Artist, 208
Poser (A), 204

Returning from the Derby, 226
Royal Academy, 1857, 200
Scene—A Club, 144

Scene from a Melodrama of Private Life
All Good Boys Die, you Know, 131 60

Sports in High Life, 19 1 Why Ladies cannot Sit in Parliament, 99

Wicked Scotch Swallow (The), 187
Wisdom of the Lord Mayor, 225
Wise Precaution (A), 258
Witty Reply of a London Manager (A), IS
Wordy and Verdi, 192

Spring Assizes (The), 38
St. Januarius and St. Palmerston, 207
Stanzas to Soapey Sam, 230
Starvation of Loyal Minds, 17
Strange Mysteries in this World, 183

Surgeon to his Henchman (The), 10 j Wreath of Veteran Colonels (The), 232

Surgeon's Wind (The), 80 i Yankee Vatican (A), 194

Swan of Avon a Goose (The), 179 ! Yankee Walker (The), 258

Sweeping Denunciation, 256 '' Ye Pleasaimte Dreame of Cceiebs, 252

Sweet Uses of Adversity (The), 107 I Ye Unsettled Accompt, 202

Taking Off the Income-Tax, 77 S Yeh's Husbandry, 154

Tallow and Gruel, 214
Teacher's Work for a Scullion's Wages
(A), 54

Art of Polite Conversation (The), 70
Art>Progress, 174
Astounding Announcement from the

Country Butcher, 232
Cherub Cobden and Cherub Bright, 147
Circumference Should be Thirty-Six

Feet (The), 30
Coat of Arms for Sir Charles, 198
Cool Request, 50

Dignity and Impudence, 180 170

Scene, Greenwich : The Last Train, 236
Sensitive Young Creatures, 8
Servantgalism, 242
Shirt Dilemma (The), 223
Shuttle-cock Nuisance, 134
Smoke Controversy (The), 171
Social Treadmill (the), 181, 191
Terrible Apparition ! ! ! 173
Thank Goodness! Fly-fishing hasbegun

1 Yes, 'Tin the Snelll" 131

Dismay of Tootles, 21
Dweadful Accident in High Life, 74
Fancy Portrait—Member for Sheffield,

Fearful Practical Joke played with a

Child's Balloon on a Swell, 164
Festive Season (The), 4
Flunkeiana, 40
Friendly Mount (A), 34
Garotting ! Where are the Police ? 108
General View of a General Election, 140

Touching, 114
Under the Mistletoe, 10
Very Shocking Boy, Indeed, 190
Vocal Quartet Ends (Lamely), 110
What can you Say for vour Friends!

What Next? 15S
Where are the Police ? 48
(W)hole Holiday (A), 14
Wholesome Feast, 150
Wonderful Intelligent Child, 160

bradbury, agnew, & co. ld., printers,
lomdok and tonbribge.



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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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H 634-3 Folio


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Satirische Zeitschrift


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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 32.1857, Index, S. 262