Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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About the English of it, 3^
Above a Joke, 67
Admiral Napier at Sea Again, 239
Admiralty ai Sea Again (The), lb9
Advice to Old Women, 117
Alderman's Own Book (The), 123
An-atomy of a Majority, 13o
Analysis of our Collective Wisdom, 91
" And is Old Double dead ? " 10
Anglo-French Family Exhibition, 16U
Anti-Cinderella Costume, 42
Anti-Garotte Assurauce Company (The).fib
Anticipated Conversion of Dissenters. 16b
Arcades Ambo—Bomba and Baiona, 144
Army Education, 163
Art in the Dark Ages, 202
Art of Omnibus Correspondence (The;, 16b
Art of Poultry-Keeping (The), 60
Austria's Eagle and Goose, 14
Austria to Ireland, 114
BiD News for Donkeys, 172
Harebones Parliament Again (A), 129
Bark of Marylebone (The), 214
Barnum's Best Plan, 219
Baseness Abroad and at Home, 219
Battle of the Pantomimes (The), 51
Bayswater Brothers (The), 49
Beaks and Beer, 212
Bedlam and Downing Street, 68
Bewitchment of Palmerston (The), 161
Bilky Way (The), 140
Bits of Sunbeam, 162
Blaze at a Boat, Race (A), 208
Board on its Beam Ends (A), 20
Bomba the Benevolent, 48
Bombardment of Windsor (The), 127
" Bread upon the Waters,'' 71
Browu's Account, 182
Brummagem Piety, 40
Bubble Reputation, 188
Bubble too Bad for Baring, 172
Buchanan to Buncombe, 140
Bucknall and the Baby, 180
By no Means a Briton, 108
" Cornelia" at Exeter Hall (The), 163
Candidate for Early Clozun, 19
Candles and Extinguishers, 12
Can't be too Cautious, 214
Canzonet on Crinoline, 79
Cave, Canis, 139
Chair of the Doubter (The), 158
Chance of an old Master (A), 18
Chant about Exeter Hall (A), 258
Cheap and not Mice Governesses, 147
Child going a-begging, 134
Chinese Boy (The), 93
Chinese Chronology ('Cording to Cobden)

Chinese Donkey (The), 109

Chinese Election Song. 123

Christmas Box for a Good Clown (A', 4

Christmas in the Workhouse, 1

Christmas Puzzle (A), 30

Circle of Fashion (The;, 8

Clean Hands, 133

Clergymen of all Colours, 158

Clerical Quietist (A), 60

Clicquot Translated, 33

Clicquot's Glee, 182

Club Fare, 13

Cobden's Capability, 101

Cobdenisms on China, 103

Cocks and Bulls of the Calendar, 167

Comforting Circular (A), 144

Comic Songs of Old i The), 147

Comicalities of the Pope's Progress, 230

Comparatives are Odious, 13

. Completion of the Nelson Column, 100
Copy Book Maxims, 153
Couple of Keasons (A), 197
Court Almoner Extraordinary (A), 62
. Criminal Law of Copyright Wanted, 20J
Crinoline in the Studio, 177
Crinoline viewed as a Depopulating
medium, 171
[ Crinoline's Kaging Fury, 41
, Cross for the Peace Society (A), 170
I Cry of the Chinese Party (The), 108
j Cucumber and the Bottle (The), 214

Cuffey, 207
| Cure for Crinoline (A), 62
i Dancing Mad, 190

Ue Balloonatico, 153
! ■■ Dear Bill, this Stone-Jug,'' 49

Delights of Spring (The), 229

IJemurrer to Murrough, 67
I Derby's Three Serving Men. 121

Disturbers of Public Harmony, 257
I " Divine Williams " of Lambeth, 160

Divinity of Cotton (The), 7u

Domestic Economy of Time, 150

Douglas Jerrold, 243

Dramatic Art-Treasures, 233

Dust from a Bath Brick, 93

Dyspeptic of the Home Office (The), 22
j Ebenezer and the Establishment, 183
| Ecclesiastical Fashions, 214
j Editors who have Seen the World, 193
| Cffect of Crinoline on Parties, 57
' Effects of the Comet's Shock, 244
! Election Intelligence, 113

Elegy on Greenwich Fair, 157
j Encore Swindle (The), 7
j Ermine and the Motley (The), 209

Ever-Persecuted Saints (The), 30
! Examinations for Commissions in the
Army, 140

Exclusive of Bickleigh Vale (The), 19

Exeter Hall in Parliament, 231

Expected Comet (The), 94

Experience of a Borrower (The), 28

Explosion of a Miracle, 199

Extraordinary Flight of Geese, 70

FiKEWELt to the Fair, 118

Fascinating Christian (A), 163, 182

Fashion and its Victims, 118

Few Mandarins Wanted (A), 70

Fiddle-faddle at the Font, 257

'Fifty-six at the Bar, 14

Fine Ladies and their Tailors, 184

Flowers from Cupid's Garden, 213

Flyiug Notes from Coustantine's Note-
Book, 245

Follow Suit, 254

"For the Uak, the Brave Old Oak," 152

France to Naples, 11

" From the Don to the Ganges." 37

Frozen-out Tea-Gardeners (The), 114

Funny Intelligence, 173

Gesler's Hat, 98

" 'Gin a Body meet a Body," 92

"Giving the Office," 167

Glorious News for the Gentlemen, 43

Gobemouche (The), 71'

Gog and Magog to Pam, 103

Great Clock Case (The), 39

Great Incorruptible (The), 132

Great Ship (The), 236

Guildhall Poems (The), 140

Heady Stuff, 174

Hero of the Nil(e), (The), 31

Hieroglyphics for the Head, 58

Hint to Young Mothers (A), 21

Homage to Hans Christian Andersen, 11

j Homage to King Handel, 251

i Home Question Settled at l.ast (A), 112

Home Truths, 160

Hoop and Jupe, 63
' Horse on the Table (The), 167

House of Mental Correction (A), 99

How to Behave Ourselves, 48

How to Cut out a Muslm Gown, 57

How Fashions Vary, 197

How History is Written. 29

I low to Weed Young Persons of Bad
Habits, 168

Husband of 10,000 (A), 234

Husband's Own Fault (The), 59

Ice State of Things (An,, 64

Important! We Stop the Press, 103

In Re Parte Disraeli, Ex pane Gladstone,

Instinct, 258

Invitation (An), 104

Is Eating Salmon Injurious '? 161

Is Smoking Injurious ? 92

Iackanapes Development Society, 41

ianus Type, 162

Jesuits on the Austrian Stage, 140

• lolly Gardener's Club (A), 220

John Chinaman, 18
I J"hn Trot at the Koyal Academy, 200
| Keep for Common People, 1<>9
; Ivevs for Queer Characters, 57

Killing Time by Inches, 193

Knee Plush Ultra (The), 207

" Know thyself," 169

Knowledge of Uncommon Thing.-, 73

La Clemenza di Bomba, 190

Ladies' Liquor Law, 258

Last Resource (The), 252

Latest from America (The), 13

Laureate on the New Year (The), 37
l Lawyer out of his Depth, 121

Leap-Frog, 44

Likes of Lord Derby (The), 124

Lilliputian Legislation, 9

Lines to the Coalition, 103

Literature for Ladies, 51

Living Monuments, 255

Logarithms—Loggerheads, 232

Lord Palmerston a " Brick," 2

Lord Palmerston at Tussaud's, 130

Lord Palinerston at Southampton, 17

Louis Napoleon Legitimized. 21(1

Lunacy in Shoe Lane, 53

M. Alexandre Dumas on Elections, 149

Macbeth at Astley's, 12

Manager without Guile (A), 3

Manchester Exhibition (The), 204

Mangling Done Here, 49

Manners, 171

Marriage and its Difficulties, 194
Mary Ann's Notions, 2,29,39,47,52,87,
109, &c.

Mean Wretch—just like :em (A), 209
Medicine under the Maine Law, 231
Meddlers with Matrimony, 78
Members' Early Closing Association

(The), 119
Mental Morphine, 40

Metropolitan F'ancy Black Beetle Show,

Milliner's Shop is only a Duck Pond(A),31

Minister's Lecture (A), 23

Miseries of a White Neckcloth (The ), 82

Misplaced Affection, 241

More Art-Treasures, 53

Most Desirable Drain (A), 258
i Mother of the Regiment (The), 180
I Mrs. Durden's Appeal to Parliament, 57

Mrs, Jones's Model Omnibus, 157
Mud-Fishes (The), 163, 169
My Income Tax, 54
Myth of Pan and Pam (The), 137
Napier Letter Writer (The), 224
" Ne Sutor," 71

Nemesis of the Coalitiou (The), lit
Nestor and Agamemnou, 187
New Beer Bill (The). 94
New Literary Fund (A), 57
New Members' Guide (The), 193
Newcastle Noodledom, 42
No Joke for a Jury, 62
Note from Nelson (A), 72
Notices of Insolvency, 159
Nuisance Corrected by Itself A), 91
Obituary, 169, 202
Ode to Humphrey Brown, 87
Ode to the Princess Roya1 226
Did P?riend Decapitated ( m), 255
Old Joke with a New F ice to it, 202
Opinions of a Disappointed Man, 173
Organization of Plund ar (The), 34
Oude in the City, 164
Our Bootyful Direc1 jrs, 173
Our Filth and our d'elous, 9
" Our Isthmian Games," 232
Palmerston, Bii Js, Beasts, Fishes, 183
Pain's Valentine to Britannia, 78
Pantomime and the Workhouse (The)

Parchment Practice, 197

Parliament and no Talk ! 150

Parliamentary Funster (The), 251

Passing Toll (A), 120

Pastoral from the Bm and Cry, 244
1 Pattern Piety, 187

Perfect on Both Sides, 149

Perils of Piano-Playing (The), 207

Persecution in Belgium, 235

Petticoat Government, 255

Physic and its Faces, 107

Picture and This (This), 50

Pictures without a Home, 258

Pill for the Medical Profession (A), 128

Pity the Poor Unemployed, 74

" Playhouse is in FLiiues .The)," 50

Playhouse Paroxysms, 113
i Pocket-Boroughs, 147

Poisoned Tea, 110

Politeness in High Life, 251

Political Absenteeism, 141

Polonius of the Palace (The), 147

Poor Patronising ilie Rich (The), 183

Popular Delusion (A). 204

Press in Paris (The), 79

Princess Royal at Westminster (The), 124

Princesses' Spectacle (The), 123

Prose of the Pulpit, 171

Fmnch Among the Poultry, 31

Punch Right Again for the Derby!! ! 226

Punch's Complete Tradesman, 78, 97, 117,

Punch's Essence ot Parliament, 61, 72, 91,
101, 111, 198, 201, &c.

Punch's Pot Pourri Pour Rire, 21

Punch s Prerogative of Mercy, 58

Queen's Ball Practice (The), 58

Queen's Speech (The), 8

Queen's Speech to the Ladies (The), 17?

Queer Party (A), 256

Rabelais in Pimlico, 43

Rampant Anglo-Russianism, 138

Hat in the House (A), 64

Recipes for a Happy New Year, 4

" Record " on the Turf (The), 141

Reflection for the Pew, 79

Vol. 32.



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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






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Satirische Zeitschrift


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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Punch, 32.1857, Index, S. 261