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August 6, 1892.]



DRURIOLANUS IN (MUSIC) AULIS. * ^if^frZ^tht'audience

The Augustan Aare is to be re- <-wr /^O K^ANUWk'f §k ""^^ «jl ^A^Wx:'i turned away will be accommodated

vived at the new Palace Theatre aV^ J//\W Xs ^? **wg-K £n\JzL*T? V\ with seats in the Dtlke of York's

of Varieties, late CakTe's English vm^iM \ W/*\ ^tff V®\ d^*0m\ ''wfcmL' WC C.olumn. He is said to be in nego-

Opera House, for two of the im- "j?,-^*? cawi»* A ^Jf- ' %V $^f*M'W*W 'a ' ;:H Nation for novelties for next years
perial name of Attgtjstus are fore- ^1 v, i |fc -^V JMI $ / t-A Cw 1 London Season in various parts of

most amonsr the Directors of this ft WM jSF- \ %, • A C F£ \ the R1()be- It is possible that he

new enterprise—which word "enter- %}\\\ /J ;^L^® t V .•.■/A '1 -V N \ may bring over the entire " World's

prise" is preferable to "undertak- H (fcS J 1 3SW # CfE^W \M ' Show" from Chicago, to give a

ing." Sir Augustus leads, and W\ W^-Wft >^>^pt^-^^ ^rW^.^j A solitary performance on an eligible

Georgius Augustus follows in the ^Tu^^^'f^^^l T^^^fe A fK l # ; / ^ spot recently acquired for this pur-
cast as Second Director—with or vwt^T^ / % i rfl^C- :-'W> 4 " Pose the neighbourhood of Prim-

without song is not mentioned, ^ W/?f ' „ ( lv:^#/ V^"''> rose HiU- It is not unlikely that he

In comparison with this transfor- r€*rV . , V<: W JBB^;'*ShK^ ^^SH^'S'An majr re-erect the ancient Pyramids

mation of an Opera House into a , Bll,^__^^#'\\ at the back of Olympia, if satis-

Theatre of Varieties, no political M,>.Ci.„ '•^•v^: IfMIIllk H ..m-iU *T* K^M^s^X factory arrangements can be made

combination of anv sort or kind, no fv"% | HHilk ^"^^>y 7$S&ff I With the Egyptian Government

change either in the Ministry or in (. ,. >' , , liHKIIlk ••' V X Y ' Looking to the future it is asserted

our home or foreign policy, is so like- JL* j t|k/r" % HHii -Mk) ^ t\ ^ Jat he ^as undertaken to accept
lv to cause trouble to The Empire ; \m • ^JBIHUK''''' -the stage-direction of the next

i.e.. the Empire in Leicester Square. KJI^MAMHWr: ^ JfcT- \\ . European War with those nations
We understand that Sir Augus- W j»> VJgvv | fether mr,the,1 reat>T (,f the

tits Druriolanus, in addition to ffehfeVj fr/OT^T^^Ml'..!^*^ . W|?fm Triple Alliance. Further-Drurio-
his interest in Covent Garden, CoE^h' jfW ^■■Bifi^fe^ ^^1^ lan us Maximus is considering the

Drury Lane, the Royal English VfWf^H^^MMf''c^^Mv'l tra,nTrt- toJt°»do? XH, N?rth
Opera House, and various enter- ^ ^.^V //^J^MMMMMMS^^^l v Polp, laying the Zoological Gardens

prises in town, country, and a^zTTv/l«/5 jPP^BMBfc contribution for a service of

abroad, is about to turn his atten- WMWrj^^M ,\\ bears to climb it. Sir Drurto-

tion to other matters. On dtt that ^vlf^ ^¥^M^ lanUS mustn't overdo it He holds

be is in treaty for St. Paul's Fwl "1 a handful of cards but he is so good

Cathedral, Westminster ' Abbey, \// \>^J^W — A\ " * prestidigitateur that he is pretty

and the City Temple, for a series ^ «» %C ? sure to transf<»rm them into trumps.

of Sunday Oratorios. It is also ■ Likewise Sir Drurio knows how to

not improbable that he may be- § ^Ik*, MM perform on the I rump of lame,

eome, for a short time, Lessee of

Exeter Hall. Buckingham Palace, ' —^ "*<;":::-;i^o "^^^^^ Toast—We beg to propose the
and the Banqueting - hall of ~ - "^1 health of the liberal-minded pur-
Hampton Court, for a series of chaser of the Althorp Library, who
Popular Picture-Shows. No doubt ' AFTER THE OP'RA IS OVER." intends to keep the books in a build-
he will bring from Russia a new „. . ri , ,i , ing open to all readers, adapting the
and entire Cosmopolitan Opera Sir Augustus Coventgardenensis, the Smging-Bird Showman, bows his toastmaster'sphraseforthe occasion,
Company, to give a performance on Acknowledgments. and giving) Qur Noble Shelves !,s



All ye who bless the wedded state

With tributes born of generous blindness,
Bemourn the fate that well may wait
Your gifted kindness.

My Chloe's ultra-modern mind
Transforms your Dresden's grace and

The toys for special use designed,
To something else's.

Eor CrrxoE reads each weekly print.

Where Art's resource is blent with Scandal's,
Where decorative females hint
Their cure for Vandals.

Your large, expensive Wedgwood bowls,

She bids her " Lor ! "-exclaiming waitress
To cram with large, expensive coals,
The pretty traitress!

On daintiest overmantel's ledge

She sets enshrined your prosy platter ;
Your salt-cellars she stocks with veg-
etable matter.

And when the Summer comes (if hail

For once not hails the sunny swallows)
Our fenders hold your statues pale
Of chipped Apollos.

With out-of-fashion toilet sets,

Their sprigs of ringstands, bits of boxes,
She picturesques her cabinet's
Quaint heterodoxies.

My blue tobacco-jar she '11 hoard

For party-nights, and on the basket
Whereon my manuscripts are stored
Will throne—a casket!

Ingenious " Chloe, sure, opines
Is Genius' proper derivation;
Appropriate " with her defines

Poor Strephon, fond, bewildered wight!

He doubts, amazed by changes showy,
If Chloe's own be Strephon quite,
Or Strephon's, Chloe !

[" He (Mr. Gladstone) has not as yet even
secured the spoil, but the Vultures aro already
gathered together." — Mi: Chamberlain at Bir-

The Vultures, dear Joe ? Nay, it needs no

To sav you are out in your new ornithology.
The Vultures are carrion-birds, be it said;
And the Man and the Cause you detest are not

Much as his decease was desired, he 's alive,
And the Cause is no carcase. So, Joe, you

must strive [All fowls

To get nearer the truth. Shall we help you ?
Are not Vultures. For instance, dear Joe,

there are Owls, [croaking,
(Like Jesse) and Ravens much given to
(In Ulster they 're noisy, though some think

they 're joking),
Then Parrots are plentiful everywhere, Joe,
(They keep on repeating yom- chatter, you


As they did in the days when you railed about

ransom; [handsome);

But Parrots are never wise birds, Joe, though
Then Geese, Jays, and Daws; yet they're

birds of a feather,
And they, my dear Joseph, are gathered

together, [foil,
To hiss, squeal and peck at the Party they'd
But who 're like to secure—as you phrase it—

"the spoil."
Yes, these be the birds most en evidence now;
A nd by Jingo, my Joe, they are raising a row.
They 're full of cacophonous fuss, and loud

spite ; ... [they might.

And they don't take their licking as well as
In fact, they 're a rather contemptible crew;
And—well, of which species, dear Joseph,

are you f

vol. cm.
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