Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Octobee 8, 1892.] PUNCH, OR THE LONDON CHARIVARI. 167


(" We know what we are, but we knoio not what we may be.")
Conductor, "Take yer to the Circus, and there you'll change into a Helephant."

Master Kenneth. "Oh, Mother, what a jolly Circus! May we go and see the Old Gentleman change into an Elephant?"

0 tardy messenger of fate,
Without distinction, small and great,
Their telegrams, perforce, await

Until your game is done.

Perchance a philosophic strain _
Makes you regard as wholly a ain

Our human bliss and woes;
What matters, whether State affairs,
Or news of good, or weighty cares,
Or tidings relative to shares

Within your bag repose ?

Well, not by me will you be blamed ;

1 like to see you not ashamed
To dawdle for awhile;

You furnish, by example sage,
A moral for our busy age ;
And so, though others fume and rage,
I watch you with a smile.

He moves at length, and now we '11 see
Which way . . . This telegram for me ?

Oh, worst of human crimes
Is such delay!—it's monstrous quite !
I '11 forward a complaint to-night!
Here, pen and paper—let me write

A letter to the Times !

" Beauty's best friends I drive away,

Artists who sketch, ramblers who rove,
Lovers who spoon, children who play,—
All, all who Nature love.

" Nor do I give them wholesome homes

For verdant meads—no, there's the fun !
Stuccodom, frail and sickly, comes
After ' Lot Twenty-One!'

" I make a clearing, dig a trench,
llun up a shell of rotten bricks.
And thus the rule of sham and stench
Upon the ' site' I fix.

" The ugly and unhealthy still

Associate Avith the name of Jerry ;
And thus I work my wicked will,
And flourish, and make merry ! "

'Twas so the Jerry-Jabberwock

Sang in a suburb, void of shame,
Blunderland's civic will to mock,
And put its sense to shame.

This ogre of our towns to slay,

Where is the urban " Beamish Boy " p
Carroll, when comes that "frabjous daj
We '11 " chortle in our joy."

Young County Council, are you one ?

'Tis said you 're but a Bumble-batch !
Beware the Jobjob Bird, and shun
The Bigot-Bandersnatch !

We','11 pardon much that seems absurd,
Excuse some blunders that bewilder,
If you'll but " draw your vorpal sword"
And slay—the Jerry-Builder !


Behold that urchin, occupied
In counting with an honest pride
The marbles he has won!

Mrs. Ram was heard to remark that she
"didn't know a finer body of men than the
Yokel Loamanry." Probably the old lady
meant the Local Yeomanry.
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