Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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yog. (R. 1886, 1891). Aresli. Defaced and hardly legible. Ttfiios
'ActkASSo? I 'EpixoKXfjs Evtv-^ov | Mekircov Aaboovros \ "lp,av "Sicrlvov. The
letters are often uncertain, but the names are all practically certain,
except the first (possibly TIC IOC) and the sixth (probably Aabuvros :
Aabiavos usual gen., but Aabovros is quoted from Corinna. The stone is
complete, but only one face is exposed to view.

710. (R. 1886). Aresli: in a fountain. Viereck Sermo Graecus p. 51
(whose restoration is followed).

o]vt U)S
]v biop8d-

craxo......,.,,...,.,.] eyevero irpo-

T(pov...............]oy TaVTCL KVpia \i.i-

vetv............boy]fxa o-vvK\r\TOV.

Ylepl 3>v Kolvtos <i>af3ios — vlbs Ma^t/xos rjdi'os AikCvvlos TIottXiov
vlos Teras virafoi Xoyovs e-noir\uav\TO, irepl tovtov ' Trp&yjxaTos oti-
Tcas ebo£ev' 6Va ftacnXtvs Mi9pabarri]s eypa\j/ev r) ebumtv tktlv 7] a<pei-
XerOj %va ravra KVpia jxeivy ovrio /caucus] eSaipTjcraro els icr)(6.T7]v rifxepav,
■nepi re tG>v Xovn&v 'iva Kplvcoaiv 01 Se/ca] TipeafievTai els ' Aulav biafiavres.

The Senatus Consultum quoted at the end of this inscr. is dated by the
consuls of 116 B.C. Phrygia Magna had been given to Mithridates V
by the Romans ; and was on his death in 120 probably placed in a state
of semi-dependence on the province Asia (see pp. 341, 423). Ten legati
were sent to Asia to regulate affairs; and the opening lines seem to be
part of a letter addressed perhaps by them x to the city of Lysias, quoting
the decree under which they were authorized to act. The general prin-
ciple laid down was to confirm all the acts of Mithridates. Probably
Lysias had something to gain by this confirmation; and therefore
recorded the decree and letter. The letters are small and good, and
probably the inscr. dates shortly after 116.

1 Viereck however considers that the guidance). But in that case we should

letter is from the consuls (addressed in have to suppose that a letter from the

that case, I presume, to the ambas- ambassadors to Lysias also formed part

sadors, and laying down a rule for their of the inscr. when complete.