Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Schlagintweit, Hermann von; Schlagintweit, Adolf; Schlagintweit, Robert von
Results of a scientific mission to India and High Asia: undertaken between the years MDCCCLIV and MDCCCLVIII, by order of the court of directors of the hon. East India Company (Band 2): General hypsometry of India, the Himalaya, and Western Tibet, with sections across the chains of the Karakorúm and Kuenlúen: comprising, in addition to messrs. de Schlagintweit's determinations, the data collected from books, maps, and private communications — Leipzig, 1862

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The hypsometric results contained in the works of Mountstuart Elphinstone,
Wood, Burnes, Lord, Lemessurier, and others, have also been omitted, as they refer
to countries which we do not include in the hypsometry of India and High Asia.

Ab. To heights which are evidently approximations only, the abbreviation
"ab." = about, is prefixed.

The following abbreviations are inserted between the name of the place and
the latitude.

T. s. means Tower Station.

T. S. base, stands for the base of the tower (see p. 5).

H. s. inserted in a manner similar to the preceding T. 8. — Hill Station.

To the hypsometric stations the latitude and longitude is generally added, or
places in their immediate neighbourhood are referred to such determinations, so that
the position of every locality can be considered as sufficiently defined.

These values are derived from various sources:

J Latitudes and longitudes of places determined by the Great Trigonometrical
Survey, are distinguished by this mark.

f2 This sign is attached to those places, for which we have ourselves deter-
mined the geographical co-ordinates.

The latitudes and longitudes for places not distinguished by a sign are most
carefully taken from the best existing maps (for India, from the Indian Atlas, for
Bhutan, from Pemberton's own determinations, given in p. 208 of his Report on
Bootan. Calcutta, 1839, and from Tassin's map, &c).

All the longitudes in this volume have been referred by us to the Madras
Observatory, for which wre have adopted the value: 80° 13' 56" E. Gr,

The heights are given in English feet.