Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Schlagintweit, Hermann von; Schlagintweit, Adolf; Schlagintweit, Robert von
Results of a scientific mission to India and High Asia: undertaken between the years MDCCCLIV and MDCCCLVIII, by order of the court of directors of the hon. East India Company (Band 2): General hypsometry of India, the Himalaya, and Western Tibet, with sections across the chains of the Karakorúm and Kuenlúen: comprising, in addition to messrs. de Schlagintweit's determinations, the data collected from books, maps, and private communications — Leipzig, 1862

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The -'Alphabetical Register of the Heights determined" is given pp. 506 — 25.

Abbreviations used, list of, 4—10.
Adams, Lieutenant, assistant, 4.
Adie, instrument-maker, 12.
Alps, compared with the Himalaya, 262

— villages and pasture grounds in

the, 476.
Amarkantak, watershed of, 161.
Andes, towns of, 481.
Aneroids, list of, 36 — useless in great

heights, 35.
Animals, limits of, 501—3.
Arc, Indian, its extent, 67.
Areas adopted, list of, 93—description

of, 95, 114, 145, 161, 202, 233, 267,

308, 419.
Assam, description of, 95.
Atmosphere, limit of, 483.

Babington, Mr., 7.
Baikie, Mr., 8.
Balfour, Dr., 7.
Ball, Mr., 495.

Barometers, comparison with thermo-
barometers, 34—5 — corrections of,
14—21 — construction and packing,
12-13 —list of, 12.

Barral, Mr., 482.

Bearings, 66.

Berghaus, Prof., 60, 491.

Bessel, Prof., 47.

Beverley, Mr., 482.

Birds, migratory, 503.
Bixio, Mr., 482.

Boiling-apparatus, description of, 24.
Boiling-point thermometers, see thefmo-

Boiling-point, lowest observed, 28.
Boussingault, Prof., 483.
Brahmaputra, description of its upper

course, 95—7.
Bravais, Prof, 60.
Buist, Dr., 7.
Burnes, Captain, 10.
Butler, Major, 98.
Butterflies, limits of, 504.

Campbell, Dr., 267.
Ceylon, heights in, 249—53.
Corrections for humidity, 47, 77 — for

periodic changes, 48—50.
Corresponding stations, importance of,

45 —list of, 40.
Cullen, General, 7.
Cultivation, limit of, 500.
Cunningham, Major, 9, 469.
Curves, comparison of, 53, 59 — for the

daily period, 52, 57 — for the yearly,


Diagrams, added to Panoramic Profiles,

Dihong, 97.

Dippe, Mr., 48.
Dove, Prof, 15.
Drawings, see panoramas.
Drengs, in the Iravadi, 100.
Duabs, the, 145. _

Eastwick, Mr., 8.

Ehrenberg, Prof., 504.

Eleazar, assistant, 4.

Elphinstone, Hon'ble Mountstuart, 10.

Erosion of rivers, effect of, 309.

Evans, Mr., 6.

Everest, Sir Gr., 67, 309.

Examples, for calculating barometrical

heights, 62 — trigonometrical heights,


Eye station, 68.

Fergusson, Lieutenant, 40.
Fisher, Lieutenant, 6.
Flaugergues, Mr., 27.
Fleming, Dr., 6.

Formula?, various, employed, 16, 34,

35, 67.
Franklin, Captain, 6.
Fraser, General, 8.
Friedau, Chevalier de, 8.

Garro hills, description of, 97—8.
Gauss, Prof., 48.
[Gay-Lussac, Prof., 482.
