Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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now I could not obtain workmen enough ; that more-
over during the beautiful weather it was not likely that
I would sit still a whole day. But they found them-
selves mistaken, for I immediately sent my foreman to the
other neighbouring villages and succeeded (to the horror
of the 70 Renko'i'ts, who had waited the whole night at my
door) in collecting 120 workmen for the next morning
without requiring their services. My energetic measures
have at last completely humbled the Renko'i'ts, from whose
impudence I had very much to put up with during my last
year's excavations, and have also had a beneficial effect upon
all of my present men. Since the mutiny I have not only
been able to prohibit smoking, but even to lengthen the
day's work by one hour ; for, instead of working as formerly
from half-past five in the morning to half-past five in the
evening, I now always commence at five and continue till
six in the evening. But, as before, I allow half an hour at
nine and an hour and a half in the afternoon for eating
and smoking.

According to an exact calculation of the engineer,
M. A. Laurent, in the seventeen days since the 1st of the
month I have removed about 8500 cubic meters (11,000
cubic yards) of dtbris; this is about 666 cubic yards each
day, and somewhat above 5^ cubic yards each workman.

We have already advanced the platform 49 feet into
the hill, but to my extreme surprise I have not yet reached
the primary soil. The opinion I expressed in my report
of the 24th of November of last year, that the thick-
ness of the hill on the north side had not increased
since the remotest times, I find confirmed as regards the
whole western end of my platform, to a breadth of 45
meters (147^ feet); for it is only upon the eastern portion
of it, to a breadth of 82 feet, that I found 6h and even
1 o feet of soil; below and behind it, as far as 16£ ket
above the platform, there is debris as hard as stone, which
appears to consist only of ashes of wood and animals,