Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Discovery of an ancient wall on the northern slope —• Discovery of a
Tower on the south side — Its position and construction — It is
Homer's Great Tower of Ilium — Manner of building with stones
and earth — A Greek inscription — Remarkable medal of the age of
Commodus — Whorls found just below the surface — Terra-cottas
found at small depths — Various objects found at the various depths
— A skeleton, with ornaments of gold, which have been exposed to
a great heat — Paucity of human remains, as the Trojans burnt their
dead — No trace of pillars — Naming of the site as " Ilium " and the
" Pergamus of Troy."

Pergamus of Troy, August 4th, 1872.
Referring to my report of the 13th of last month, I am
glad now to be able to mention that, in excavating the
depths of the temple, I found a wall 10 feet high and 6i
feet thick, which, however, has at one time been much
higher, as the quantity of stones lying beside it seem to
prove. It is at a distance of 131 feet from the declivity of
the hill, and at a perpendicular depth of 34 feet.* This
wall is composed of large stones joined with earth, and, as
is attested by. the layers of cttbris which extend in an
oblique direction below it, it was built originally upon the
steep slope of the hill. Hence, since the erection of the
wall, the hill at this point has increased 131 feet in breadth
and 44i feet in height by the accumulation of dSbris. I
have not yet been able to ascertain whether this wall was
the foundation of an ancient Trojan temple, or whether it
belongs to the enclosing wall which, says Homer,f was
built by Poseidon and Apollo. In the latter case, it would

* See Plan II. • t Iliad, VII. 452-453.