Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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A third platform dug — Traces of former excavations by the Turks —
Block of triglyphs, with bas-relief of Apollo — Fall of an earth-wall —
Plan of a trench through the whole hill — Admirable remains in the
lowest stratum but one —The plain and engraved whorls — Objects of
gold, silver, copper, and ivory—Remarkable terracottas—The pottery
of the lowest stratum quite distinct from that of the next above —
Its resemblance to the Etruscan, in quality only — Curious funereal
urns — Skeleton of a six months' embryo — Other remains in the
lowest stratum — Idols of fine marble, the sole exception to the
superior workmanship of this stratum — The houses and palaces of
the lowest stratum, of large stones joined with earth — Disappearance
of the first people with the destruction of their town.

The second settlers, of a different civilization — Their buildings of unburnt
brick on stone foundations — These bricks burnt by the great confla-
gration — Destruction of the walls of the former settlers — Live toads
coeval with Troy ! — Long duration of the second settlers — Their
Aryan descent proved by Aryan symbols — Various forms of their
pottery — Vases in the form of animals — The whorls of this stratum
— Their interesting devices — Copper weapons and implements, and
moulds for casting—Terra-cotta seals — Bracelets and ear-rings, of
silver, gold, and electrum — Pins, &c, of ivory and bone—Fragments
of a lyre — Various objects.

The third stratum: the remains of an Aryan race—Hardly a trace of
metal—Structure of their houses — Their stone implements and
terra-cottas coarser — Various forms of pottery — Remarkable terra-
cotta balls with astronomical and religious symbols—Whorls — Stone
weapons — Whetstones — Hammers and instruments of diorite —
A well belonging to this people — This third town destroyed with its

The fourth settlers; compararively savage, but still of Aryan race —
Whorls with like emblems, but of a degenerate form — Their pottery
inferior, but with some curious forms — Idols of Athena — Articles
°f copper — Few stones — Charred remains indicating wooden
buildings — Stone weights, hand-mills, and knives and saws of flint —
With this people the pre-Hellenic ages end—The stone buildings and