Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Interruptions through festivals—Opening of the tumulus of Batiea

— Pottery like that of the Trojan stratum at Hissarlik, and nothing
else — No trace of burial — Its age — Further discoveries of burnt
Trojan houses — Proof of their successive ages — Their construction

— Discovery of a double gateway, with the copper bolts of the
gates — The " Soean Gate " of Homer — Tests of the extent of
ancient Troy — The place where Priam sat to view the Greek
forces — Homer's knowledge of the heroic Troy only traditional —
Description of the gates, the walls, and the " Palace of Priam." —
Vases, &c, found in Priam's house — Copper, ivory, and other
implements — The 8«ra a^ucweXXa—Houses discovered on the
north platform — Further excavations of the city walls — Statuettes
and vessels of the Greek period — Top of the Tower of Ilium
uncovered, and its height determined — A curious trench in it,
probably for the archers — Further excavations at Bunarbashi: only
a few fragments of Greek pottery — The site of Ilium uninhabited
since the end of the fourth century — The place confused with
Alexandria Troas — No Byzantine remains at Hissarlik — Fresh-
ness of the Greek sculptures.

Pergamus of Troy, May ioth, 1873.

Since my report of the 16th of last month I have had
many interruptions, for the Greek Easter festival lasts six
days, then the feast of Saint George and its after celebra-
tions again took away several days, so that during all this
time I have had only four days' of actual work; however,
on these days, with on an average 150 men, I have con-
tinued the works with great energy.

As we have had continual fine weather since the
beginning of April, my men no longer go to the neigh-
bouring villages for the night as they have hitherto done;
but they sleep in the open air and even in the excavations,
which is very convenient for me, as I now have them