Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Soane, John; Parkyns, George Isham
Sketches in architecture: containing plans and elevations of cottages, villas, and other useful buildings, with characteristic scenery — London, 1798

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Haivney’s Complete Measurer, a New Edition, much improved,
3s. 6d.
Hoppus’j Meafurer. Tables ready call:. 3s.
Plate Glass Book. 4s.
The Joiner and Cabinet Maker's Darling; containing sixty diffe-
rent Designs for all sorts of Frets, Frizes, &c. Sewed, 3s.
The Carpenter's Companion-, containing 33 Designs sor all Sorts
of Chinese Railing and Gates. Ostavo. Sewed, 2s.
The Carpenter's Complete Guide to the whole System of, Gothic
Railing; containing 32 new Designs, with Scales to each.
Oftavo. Sewed, 2s.
A Geometrical View of the Five Orders of- Columns in Architecture,
adjusted by aliquot Parts; whereby the meanest Capacity, by
Inspcftion, may Delineate and Work an entire Order, or any
Part, of any magnitude required. On a large.Sheet, is.
Elevation of.. the. New Bridge at Black Friars, with .Rian of the
Foundation and Superstrusture.: By R. -Ba/swin, 42 inches
by 48 inches, 5s. ■ /. . ■
Plans, Elevations, and SeBious of the, Machines and Centering
used in erefting Black-Friars;Bridge; Drawn and. Engraved
by R. Baldwin, Clerk of the Work ; on 7 large Platys, vvith
Explanations. 10s. 6d. or with the Elevation,,. 15s.-,
Elevation of the Stone Bridge,built .over the..Severn,at;Shrewf-
bury, with Plan of the Foundation and Superstrufture, . ele-
gantly engraved by Rooker. , is. 6d.
A Treatife on Building in Water.. By G. Semple. Quarto, with
63 Plates. Sewed, 12s. ■ , •
London and Wejlminjler Improved. Illustrated by Plans. By
John Gwynn, Architest,. Boards,,3s.
Plans, Elevations, and,. Seftions, preiented to the Corporation
os Bath, for .the'Improvement ;ofg the Raihg) p.n . that City ;
intending, to make, the.whple.a uniform and convenient Struc-
ture of the Ionic Order., Byuthe. late R. Dingley, Esq. En-
graved on 9 folio Plates,', by. Ropfker, &c. .Se.wed, 6s.
S 1 "in' ■'"> -. ■■ ■ • s
BOOKS os ok^AMENTS, &c.
s -“s!l ,
Ornaments D.fplayed, .ow a .sull size Tor wo'rking, proper for all
Carvers, Painters, &c.. containing a variety os accurate Ex-
amples of Foliage and Frizes, elegantly engraved in the
manner of Chalks, on 33.large solio Plates.' Sewed, 15s.
A New. Book of Ornaments ; .containing a variety of elegant De-
signs’ Tor modern Pannels, commonly executed in Stucco,
"Wood, or Painting, and used-in Decorating principal Rooms.
Drawn and Efo.hed by P, Columbani. Quarto. Sewed, 7s. 6d.
A Variety of Capitalsv Frizes, .and. Cornices -, how to increase or
decreale them, still.retaining the lame'proportion as the ori-
" ginal. Likewise 12 Designs for Chimney-pieces, On 12
Plates, drawn and enriched by P. Columbani, Folio. Sewed, 6s.
The Principles of Drawing Ornaments made" eafy, by proper
Examplesof Leaves sor Mouldings, Capitals, Scrolls, Huiks,
Foliage, &c. ..Engraved in. Imitation of Drawings, on 16
Plates, with Instruftions for learning without a mailer. Par-
ticularly uscsul to Carvers, Cabinet-makers, Stucco-workers,
Painters,. Smiths, and every one concerned in Ornamental
Decorations. By an Artist. .Quarto. Sewed, 4s. 6d.
Ornamental.Iron Work, or Designs in the present Tastc, for
Fan-lights, Stair-case Railing, Window Guard-irons, Lamp-
Irons, Palisades,. and Gates. With a Scheme for adjusting
Designs with facility and accuracy to any Slope. Engraved
on 21 Plates, quarto. Sewed, '6s. t
A New Book of Ornaments,, by S. Aiken. On 6 Plates. Sewed,
2s. 6d. .
Twelve new. Designs of Frames for Looking-glades, Piftures,
&C. by S. H. Carver.' Sewed, qs.'
A Book of Tablets, done to 'the sull size,'' commonly used for
Chimney-pieces. By J. Pether, on 6 Plates. Sewed, 3s. 6d.
Law's. new Book of Ornaments. Sewed, 2s.
A Book of Vales, by T. Law. Sewed, is.
A Book of Vases, by P. Columbani. Sewed, 2s.
A new Book of Eighteen Vafes, Modern and Antique, 2s.
A Book of Vales srom the Antique, on 12 Plates, ,2s..
Gerard's new Book os Foliage. Sewed, 2s.
A sinali Book of Ornaments, on 6 Leaves, by G. Edwards, is.
Plans, Elevation, and Sections of the curious Wooden Bridge at
Schaffhaufen in Switzerland,' built in 1760 by Ulric Gruben-
man, and lately destroyed by the French. 19 inches by 29.
Price 12s- coloured, with a deseriptive Account in Letter-
Three Prints of the Iron Bridge, at Wearmouth, near Sunderland,
in the County of Durham, in Aquatinta. Size 29 Inches by 19.
An interior View of Durham Cathedral, and a view of the ele-
gant Gothic Shrine in the same. Elegantly engraved on two
large Sheets. Size 19 and a hals by 2i and a Half; the
Pair 12s.
An Exterior and Interior View of St. Giles's Church in the Fields,

= ]
elegantly engraved by Walker, size 18 Inches by 155 ; the
Pair, 5s.
A North-west View os Greenwich Church, is.
An elegant Engraved View os Shoreditch Church, 38 Inches
by 20. 3s.
An elegant engraved View of the Monument at London, with the
Parts geometrically; size 21 by 33 inches, from an original
by Sir C. Wren ; and an Fiistorical Account in Lctter-press.
7s. 6d.
Sir Ghrisopher Wren's Plan sor rebuilding the City os London
after the great Fire, 1666. is.
Plan and Sestions of a curious Sailing Machine, neatly co-
loured. 5s.
The. Art of Praftical Measuring by the Sliding Rule; Iho’wing
how to measure Timber, Stone, Board, Glass, Painting, See.
alio Gauging, &c. By H. Coggeshall. A new edition by
J. Ham. Bopnd, is.
The Building AEl'pf the idth Geo. III. Wijh Plates Blowing the
proper Thickness of Party Walls, External Walls,, .and
Chimneys. , A complete Index, List of Surveyors and "their
Resi.dencey .See. vLn.a sinal] Pocket size. Sewed 2s. 6d.
N. B. The Notice-and Certificate required by the above Ast,
may be had, printed with blank spaces for filling "up.
Price‘2d. each, or 13 for 2s. .
Curr’s Coal Viewer and Engine. Builder’s Prastical Companion.
. Quarto, , 2l. 12s. 6d,
.Smeaton's Experiments on Upder-shot and Over-shot Water
Wheels, See. Oftavo, with sive’Plates. Boards, 4s. 6d.i
Experimental Enquiries concerning the Principle of the lateral
... Communication os Motion in Fluids ; applied to the Ex-
planation of various Hydraulic Phenomena. By J. P.
Venturi. Translated from the French, by W. Niche Jon,
with Plates, 2s. 6d.
Experiments and Observations made with a View of improving
the Art of composing and applying Calcareous Cements, and
of preparing slinch Lime: vvith the Theory of these Arts.
By B. Higg ins, M. D. Price 5s. boards.
Reports, with Plans, Seftions, &c. of the proposed Dry Tunnel
or Passage from Gravelend in Kent to Tilbury in Eiiex, de-
monstrating its Prafticabilit.y and great Importance to the.two
Counties, and to the Nation at large ; alio on a Canal from
Gravesend to Stroud, with some miscellaneous and prastical
Observations. By R. Dodd, Engineer, with Plates, Quarto 5s.
A General Hstory of Inland Navigation, Foreign and Domessici
containing a Complete Account of the Canals already executed in
England ; with Confderations on thofe Projected: to which are
added, Practical Observations. Illuf rated with four Plates, of
Locks, Bridges, fsV. and a large Map of England, coloured,
slowing the Lines of the Canals executed, thofe propojed, and the
Navigable Rivers. A new Edition, with Two Addendas, which
completes the Hifory to 1795. Boards il. 8s.
N. B. The Addendas may be had separate by sormer Puschasers
of the Work. Also
The Map may be had separate, Price c;s. coloured.
A Treatije on the Improvement of Canal, Navigation, exhibiting
the numerous advantages to be derived from Small Canals
1 1 O'.'. .
and Boats of two to sive Feet wide, containing from two to
five. Tons Burthen; vvith a Description of the Machinery for
facilitating Conveyance by Water, through the most moun-
tainous, Countries, independent of Locks and Aquedusts;
including Observations on the great Importance of Water
Communications; with Thoughts on, and Designs for, Aque-
dusts and Bridges of Iron and Wood. By R. Fulton, Engi-.
neer,. with 17 Plates, quarto. Boards, 18s.
Obfervations on the various Sy/lems of Canal Navigation, with
Inferences prastical ^and.mathematical, in which Mr. Fulton’s
Plan os Wheel-Boats, and the Utility of sisbterraneous and
sinali Canals are particularly investigated ; including an Ac-
count of theCanalsand inclined planes of China, with 4 plates.
By W. Chapman, Civil Engineer. Quarto. 6s. sevved:
Antiquities and Scenery os the North os Scotland, by the Rev'.
C. Cordiner, in a Series of Letters to T. Pennant, Esq. with
21 Plates. Boards, 13s.
Remarkable Ruins and Romantic Prospcfts of North-Britain.
with ancient Monuments and singular Subjects ot Natural
History, by the Rev. C.Cordiner, of Banff, with looPlates,
elegantly engraved by Maxell, 2 vols. quarto, 3!, 3s. boards,
and vvith the Natural History coloured, 61. 6s.
Leonardo da Vinci's Treatise on Painting, 8vo, vvith 30 Plates,
a new Edition, 7s. boards.
A New Colleftion of 100 Views in Rome and its Vicinity,
neatly engraved da Pronti, Quarto, Price il. is.
An Historical and Deseriptive Account os Rome: also the
the Works os Art, particularly in Architefture, Sculpture,
and Painting, by J. Salmon, Antiquary. Illustrated with
many elegant Views, and a Map of Rome. 2 Vols. 8vo.
in Boards, il. 10s.

Printed by W. Stratford, Crown-Court, Temple-Bar.