A SMALL secluded l'esidence, surrounded with sive acres of pasture, situated in a country
abounding with nusnberless pidturesque beauties, and asfording, from an happy combination
of external objects, all the variety requisite to enliven the mind when retired from the busy world.
Its size being very confined will not admit of much embellishment; therefore to djslribute the
parts to the utmost advantage, arrange the shrubberies, and so to condudt the walks that every
turn shall present a new and interesting scene, is all that can be done, in which the utmost care
has invariably been observed never to lose sight of simplicity, and an equal attention shewn to
induce the imagination to credit an idea of extent, difficult to accompliffi on so confined a scale,
but os the highest importance properly to effedt.
In resped to the local situation of Fairsield Cot, nature, which should never be overlooked,
or too incautiously intruded upon bv art, has done a great deal, and in a measure pointed
out what is requisite for its utmost improvement. In conlequence, on the upper part of a
gently rising aseent, commanding over the adjacent country moil luxuriant views of hill, dale,
wood, and water, the Cottage is eredted : immediately adjoining are the neccssary offices and
kitchen garden; these by a shrubbery are concealed. The orchard, placed at an extremity,
gives variety, and hides the bounds, where otherwise they would, by being seen, defeat the
deception of extent ; and likewise confines the view, which but for such management would
be considerably too extensive. The remainder of the ground is again subdivided by an hedge,
decked with the rose, the honeysuckle, and wild shrubs, and irregularly planted, partly to allow
the walk to take an easy bend betwixt the two enclosures, and partly to give internal variety; a
circumstance which never fails to cheer the imagination, and relieve the eye.
Having thus noticed the general disposition, it will be necessary to observe, the walk in no
instance has been buffered to approach too near the bounds. From the shrubbery, after palling
a seat under a few trees (e), it leads down the side os the hill to a copse overhanging a purling
stream. A bridge adjoining to a root-house (/) erodes the rill; the path accompanying its mean-
dering course, till a rustic plank (g) thrown over the same, again unites it with the lawn. Every
thing here is limple and unadorned : to load with ornament a scene dedicated to Contemplation and
Repose, would destroy the effedt which a sequestered situation ever has upon a congenial mind.
Pursuing the walk, a sunk fence on the right admits the country.—Clumps of trees in the adjacent
pastures unite it with the distance.-—A little gate, on gaining the summit, leads to the Temple of
Concord (A), from the window is seen to peculiar advantage the view, purposely hid by the
orchard from the house. This circumstance renders the temple infinitely more interesting than it
otherwise would be, and confirms variety to the whole. From this place the walk waves to
the left.—Entering a small shrubbery, with a seat in. a sequestered situation (/), it soon opens on
the green, and terminates at the Cottage.
A SMALL secluded l'esidence, surrounded with sive acres of pasture, situated in a country
abounding with nusnberless pidturesque beauties, and asfording, from an happy combination
of external objects, all the variety requisite to enliven the mind when retired from the busy world.
Its size being very confined will not admit of much embellishment; therefore to djslribute the
parts to the utmost advantage, arrange the shrubberies, and so to condudt the walks that every
turn shall present a new and interesting scene, is all that can be done, in which the utmost care
has invariably been observed never to lose sight of simplicity, and an equal attention shewn to
induce the imagination to credit an idea of extent, difficult to accompliffi on so confined a scale,
but os the highest importance properly to effedt.
In resped to the local situation of Fairsield Cot, nature, which should never be overlooked,
or too incautiously intruded upon bv art, has done a great deal, and in a measure pointed
out what is requisite for its utmost improvement. In conlequence, on the upper part of a
gently rising aseent, commanding over the adjacent country moil luxuriant views of hill, dale,
wood, and water, the Cottage is eredted : immediately adjoining are the neccssary offices and
kitchen garden; these by a shrubbery are concealed. The orchard, placed at an extremity,
gives variety, and hides the bounds, where otherwise they would, by being seen, defeat the
deception of extent ; and likewise confines the view, which but for such management would
be considerably too extensive. The remainder of the ground is again subdivided by an hedge,
decked with the rose, the honeysuckle, and wild shrubs, and irregularly planted, partly to allow
the walk to take an easy bend betwixt the two enclosures, and partly to give internal variety; a
circumstance which never fails to cheer the imagination, and relieve the eye.
Having thus noticed the general disposition, it will be necessary to observe, the walk in no
instance has been buffered to approach too near the bounds. From the shrubbery, after palling
a seat under a few trees (e), it leads down the side os the hill to a copse overhanging a purling
stream. A bridge adjoining to a root-house (/) erodes the rill; the path accompanying its mean-
dering course, till a rustic plank (g) thrown over the same, again unites it with the lawn. Every
thing here is limple and unadorned : to load with ornament a scene dedicated to Contemplation and
Repose, would destroy the effedt which a sequestered situation ever has upon a congenial mind.
Pursuing the walk, a sunk fence on the right admits the country.—Clumps of trees in the adjacent
pastures unite it with the distance.-—A little gate, on gaining the summit, leads to the Temple of
Concord (A), from the window is seen to peculiar advantage the view, purposely hid by the
orchard from the house. This circumstance renders the temple infinitely more interesting than it
otherwise would be, and confirms variety to the whole. From this place the walk waves to
the left.—Entering a small shrubbery, with a seat in. a sequestered situation (/), it soon opens on
the green, and terminates at the Cottage.