Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 38.1906

DOI Heft:
No. 162 (September, 1906)
DOI Artikel:
Holland, Clive: Walter Tyndale, the man and his art
DOI Artikel:
Elliot, Arthur: Some inn signs at Lucerne
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Inn Signs at Lucerne

Pot Market one has another effect with a carefully
painted and perhaps a trifle too insistent fore-
ground, but a fine piece of architecture and another
perfectly natural group of figures serve to balance
the composition.

The Enclosure of the Mosque of Omar furnishes
another example of Mr. Tyndale’s skill in the
management of strongly-lit architecture under the
somewhat trying conditions of North African
sunshine. As a mere study of architecture the
picture is far less interesting than many others of
the same genre which Mr. Tyndale has painted,
and for which, indeed, he has gained an enviable
reputation. But, as usual, he has saved the
situation by the skilful introduction of satis-
factorily grouped figures.

From the Mosque of
Omar to such a scene as
A Surrey Homestead, which
in the original is richly
coloured and delicately
painted, is a sharp transi-
tion, but we venture to
think that in such scenes
as the latter — quite a
number of which we have
had the pleasure of seeing
at various times—Mr. Tyn-
dale has found himself.

The influence of Mrs.

Allingham, both as regards
the colour - scheme and
the grouping, is distinctly
traceable. But, after all,

such quaint and picturesque
buildings as Mrs. Alling-
ham and Mr. Tyndale both
delight to put on canvas
or paper cannot, to be effec-
tive, be rendered with any
startling originality.

A consideration of Mr.
Tyndale’s work as a whole
leads one to place him high
as a colourist (which can
be judged fairly from our
coloured reproduction of
The Apple Stall, Mentone
Market), and as a man
who has studied closely,
and to great advantage, the
little et ceteras of composi-
tion which often make or
mar a picture. There is,
indeed, a conscientiousness about his execution
which saves his pictures from any slur that could
be cast upon them on the score of scamping. The
latter is a fault far too much in vogue with many
present day water-colourists, who are “ sketchy ”
above everything. Clive Holland.


Lucerne is probably the most popular summer
holiday resort in Europe, and it certainly deserves
its popularity, for few places can equal it either in
the beauty of its situation or in its surroundings.
