Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 41.1907

DOI Heft:
No. 173 (August, 1907)
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Studio- Talk

changing the exhibits from time to time: these ration, There is a fatigued draught horse, Das

" wechselnde Ausstellungen " comprising modern Arbeitspferd, by Arthur Hoffmann, and some por-

fans, glass, silver objects, metal and earthenware, trait busts by Heinrich Jobst, also a bust of St.

Thus there have been or will be a breakfast table John the Baptist by Kornhas, and the Sandalen-

and a dinner table laid and equipped as for actual binderifi by August Kraus, as well as a novel

use; interesting contributions by Professors van de rendering of the Rattenfanger ("The Pied Piper of

Velde and Olbrich; some domestic architecture Hamelin") by Hengstenberg. W. S.

by Olbrich and Paffendorf, a show of artistic
photographs, posters, etc., each display
lasting about a month.

Among the paintings proper, the older
men, like Professor Holzel, are as fresh as
ever, but younger men are promising to
come to the front, particularly in land-
scape. I may mention without prejudice
to those unnamed, a fine moonlight effect
entitled To Schubert, by Walter Ophey; A
Lady in White by Robert Weise ; After the
Storm by Fritz Westendorp, and a Self-
portrait by Emil Schneider. Among the
small exhibits of sculpture some animal
studies seem to prove that the interest and
appreciation of animal life is gaining ground
with Teutonic artists of the younger gene-

' after the storm by fritz westendorp

DUSSELDORF. — Of all the German
poets not one has so sung himself into
the hearts of his own people as
Heinrich Heine. And yet, one of the
greatest living poets of all time, he has suffered as
none other from an antagonism that has amounted
to hate. His politics and his creed arouse a
bitterness which even now find vent in a vindictive
war against his memory.

Diisseldorf's claim to fame in the eyes of the
world rests largely on having been the birth-place
of Heine, and yet such has been the bigoted
political and religious opposition, that all efforts to
erect a public monument to his memory have
failed, though the money was forthcoming. It is,

' st. john the baptist (majolica bust) , , ,• , re

by prof. k. kornhas however, due to the enlightenment of a few pubhc-
