Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 41.1907

DOI Heft:
No. 173 (August, 1907)
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Studio- Talk

To those who love Heine, to translate his poet's soul
into his face would seem as hopeless a task as to clothe
his immortal verse with the halting words and rhyme
of a foreign language. But after the first glance at
Schmeiding's Heine all doubt vanishes. It is indeed
youth that has immortalised youth ! The young sculptor
has been inspired to portray the young poet, before
mental and physical suffering had made of him a heroic
martyr. It is the young poet of "Das Buch der Lieder"
(The Book of Songs) Schmieding has portrayed for us
with ardent love and enthusiasm, using the Oppenheim
portrait of Heine as the basis of his work. A beautiful
poet's face with a high, narrow forehead, across which
the hair falls in disordered locks ; dreamy half-closed
eyes with lower lids characteristically updrawn, and a
whimsical, sad touch to the rather full lips, in which we
recognise the genius whose wit suffering could not
subdue. The face is full of a poetic, dreamy charm, and
the faint shadow of a smile makes it all the more
bust of heinrich heine fa Jt is an appealing and noble work that all

by adolf schmieding rr 6

lovers of Heine who make pil-
grimages to the town of his birth

spirited men that Diisseldorf should see. And yet the idle

has now, if not a public monu- ^T^SB folly to deny Heine a memorial

ment, at least a sacred spot b^Efj of mere stone — Heine, whose

where the name of her greatest IPwM songs, long after that stone shall

son shall be held in reverence. ^t-^IPH^^B have crumbled away, will live

in the hearts of the German

For years a bookseller of _ /V -; people! Mrs. John Lane.

Leipzig, Frederick Meyer, was

occupied in making an exhaus- (0ur notice of the Diisseldorf

tive collection of Heine litera- Art Exhibition is unavoidably

ture, one representing all the ^eld over-)

first editions, all his earliest
scattered writings, all other
editions and translations, as
well as all the known literature
concerning Heine. It was a
wise and fortunate decision to
purchase this collection for
Diisseldorf with a part of the
money intended for the monu-
ment that could not be erected. wood figure by ludwig i'enz
• .■ , j , (See Vienna Studio-Talk)

This step was entirely due to 1 '

the persistency and wisdom of

these few men. It is also due to them that one room has been
set aside in the new Town and State Library, which is henceforth
to be known as the " Heine " room. This is a lovely, restful
spot, quiet in colour and dignified in its simple architecture,
and here this interesting collection has found a worthy resting
place. And here, within a few weeks, there has also been
placed on a fitting and simple pedestal, a bust of the poet
by the Diisseldorf sculptor Adolf Schmieding.

r wood figure by ludwig i'enz

(See Vienna Studio- Talk)
