Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 52.1911

DOI issue:
No. 215 (February, 1911)
DOI article:
West, W. K.: Some examples of recent work by Mr. Frank Brangwyn, A.R.A.
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Recent JVork by Frank Brangwyn, A.R.A.

to say and the way in
which he says it are both
important. He is the
leader by whom the
serious lovers of art are
brought out of the sloughs
of small-minded con-
troversy and guided to
those greater heights
where art can live a clean
and quiet life and separate
herself from the rabble
which seeks to cling about
her and dictate to her the
way in which she should
manifest herself. He is
the real source of pro-
gress, the true supporter
of those fundamental
traditions on which all
„ , . sound art must be based,

"the village of long (water-colour sketch) . . '

by frank BRANc.wvN, a.r.a. and he is the one influ-

ence by which the essen-

finds a man, like himself, who does not allow his tial principles of pure aesthetics can be kept from
convictions to be tabulated and who does not becoming corrupted in the conflict of petty dogmas
sacrifice his liberty of action in obedience to and amid the strife of foolish fashions,
clamour. To such a worker the patron turns as It is because he possesses in an exceptionally
the one hope he has left; without this hope he right proportion the qualities by which the indepen-
would have no alternative but to abandon art dent artist is distinguished that Mr. Frank Brangwyn
entirely as a thing incomprehensible and utterly holds such an important position in the modern
unstable. art world. He is certainly not to be claimed by

Therefore, the independent artist, however much any party as an adherent or supporter, and as
he may be attacked by
the cliques from which
he keeps aloof, must be
counted as the salvation
of modern art. Round
him the art lovers who do
not wish to be forced into
narrow specialism of taste
can rally, and by his
assistance they are saved
from the danger of being
driven into aesthetic un-
belief. Moreover, the in-
dependent man who goes
his own way without
paying any attention to
the war of factions has
strength of character, a
definite personality which
cannot fail to affect the
quality of his achieve-
ment, and what he has •< Alcantara, sicii.y " (water-colour sketch), by frank brangwyn, a. r.a.