Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 53.1911

DOI Heft:
Nr. 219 (June 1911)
DOI Artikel:
Frantz, Henri: The salon of the Société nationale des beaux-arts, Paris
DOI Artikel:
Singer, Hans Wolfgang: The wood engravings of Walther Klemm
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JValther Klemm s Wood-Engravings

M. Jacques Blanche has become nowadays one * | "V HE WOOD - ENGRAVINGS OF
of the finest colourists of the French School. His WALTHER KLEMM BY DR


portrait of Nijinski, the famous Russian dancer, is
extremely interesting on account of its richness and

sumptuousness of tone. A great deal of woodcut work is being produced

M. Muenier combines rare qualities of painting at present all over Germany, as indeed, a great deal

with a charming and delicate sentiment. No picture of every kind of black-and-white art. But after

is more attractive than his Le$on de Clavecin, and it all—in spite of the mass of material exhibited

seems as though the spirit of Boilly had descended every year and the large number of artists' names,

upon this work, which is, nevertheless, of a very increasing steadily, which one feels one ought to

personal accent. remember—there are but a few men who loom up

M. Gaston La Touche will astound even the beyond the rest, and only a very few who are the

most diffident as much by the continuousness of real props of this art. Walther Klemm doubtless

his achievement as by the ever-maintained high belongs to this restricted set. He is still a young

quality of his productions. One finds in his four man, not yet thirty, and so far woodcuts make up

panels, L'Heure heureuse, L'Innocence, L'Enfant his life-work : he has done little else, beyond a few

prodigue, and Le Gue, the same qualities of imagina- drawings and water-colours.

tion, allied with rare appreciation of light and Klemm was born at Karlsbad in Bohemia and

colour. received his schooling in Vienna. He was then

Among the most pleasing landscapes in the sent to the University and the career of an art
Salon this year are unquestionably
those of M. Raffaelli, M. Dauchez,

and decided originality into his "canal in Hamburg." from the wood-engraving in colours

work. Henri Frantz. by walther klemm