Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 53.1911

DOI Heft:
Nr. 220 (July 1911)
DOI Artikel:
Brinton, Selwyn John Curwen: The international art exhibition at Rome: the italian section
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International Art Exhibition, Rome

THE INTERNATIONAL ART among whom I may mention Mr. A. G. Temple

EXHIBITION AT ROME ' THE an<^ ^*r' Williamson, who have worked indefatigably

T„ . T . AT „ under the able guidance of our Commissioner-


General, Sir Isidore Spielmann, to secure the success

At the time these notes were written the great of this part of the British exhibition.

International Art Exhibition at Rome was so far It is, however, to the Italian section that I

from being complete that no definite judgment propose to confine my remarks on this occasion,

upon the exhibition as a whole could be pro- If want of adequate selection is the fault of the

nounced, but the one point upon which there British section in certain cases, here in the " Belle

seemed a very general, if not universal, consensus Arti" we have to note too much of this, but not

of opinion within Rome and Italy was the success selection of the right kind. My meaning on the

of the British section, which, except that of Hun- point will be more easy to make clear when I have

gary, was the only one ready by the opening date, spoken in some detail of the exhibits.

Its commanding position, its fine architectural First here I shall take the Milanese school,

design—adapted very cleverly by Mr. Lutyens from Mariani with his fine sea-piece {Storm at Bordi-

a motive of Sir Christopher Wren's—and even its ghera), Mentessi with a fine nocturne of moonlight

material would alone advance it to that place upon ancient shrines, Carozzi with his somewhat

among the palaces which is fully secured by the heavily painted landscapes, Alciati with two very

magnificent quality, even more than the quantity, brilliant pastel portraits, Amisani and Chiesa, both

of its contents. with portraits, are all examples of this school, which

The clou of the section is undoubtedly the mag- finds an exponent in the large Italian room in

nificently representative collection of " deceased the paintings of Filippo Carcano. Though he

British Masters " from Hogarth to Millais, Watts, occasionally lapses into Biblical narrative, Carcano

Orchardson, and Leighton; and here a word of is at his best in landscape, and here in The

thanks is due to members of this special committee, Aeroplane shows all his power. Amisani has been

"kezzonico" by emma ciardi
