Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 53.1911

DOI Heft:
Nr. 222 (September 1911)
DOI Artikel:
Whitley, William Thomas: The National Competition of Schools of Art, 1911
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The National Competition of Schools of A rt, igu

<"""n prize works in the National Art Compe-

'IEuL" ^' tition. Until a few years ago the work

JPl from the Royal College of Art was always

- ~ j^. judged in the National Competition and

•'^SS5i '"'•"*** - honorary awards given to the best things

„ _ 2* "^-^"^ submitted, but this practice was abandoned

"^^^^N. ■"^T-s>' "'^^^"^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^F useful and interesting and it is to be hoped

\ . j-W/f^%, that the- new advisers of the Hoard of

Education may see fit to recommend that
^'S^p^* x ^^S^Sppj^P^ the College of Art be again permitted to

^p^^^^^P^^^^^^. s is the period of the year at which the com-

f^^^^SS^^SSSj^S^^r^^^'^^^ South Kensington there may have been

......j^^tSp^^ good reasons for making the art year finish,

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ for competition purposes, about the end

enamelled silver pot-pourri jar, set with amethysts. of March, and for holding the exhibition

by jean campbeli. (camden school, Islington) fa August_the worst month in the year

rom every point of view. If there were
approximating to that of one of the palm-houses at such reasons they exist no longer. The school
Kew. There is room and to spare in the Victoria year would terminate better at the end of the
and Albert Museum for the arrangement of an ex- summer term, and the exhibition could then be
hibition that should include selected studies by the held in the late autumn instead of, as now, at
pupils of the Royal College of Art as well as the a period when the art-loving public is thinking