Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 53.1911

DOI Heft:
Nr. 222 (September 1911)
DOI Artikel:
Whitley, William Thomas: The National Competition of Schools of Art, 1911
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The National Competition of Schools of Art, ign

oak mantel with carved frieze by ernest smith (bradford)

Institute) showed a useful cover in green tor the
edition de luxe of the catalogue of the recent
National Loan Exhibition at the Grafton Gallery.

vellum-covered tea-caddy. by hilda m.

panel for screen, drawn, modelled and carved
by oswin cunningham (sunderland)

some interesting examples of a craft that is capable
of further development. These included a case for
opera-glasses by Mary G. Gibson of Wolverhamp-
ton School of Art; two or three good boxes by
Wallace E. Crowther of Birmingham (Margaret
Street), and a prayer-book case by Etta Painter ot
the same school; a Bible cover by Edith Stewart
of Brighton School of Art; and a casket, ingenious
in its adaptation of Egyptian design, by Laura
Seaward of Dover School of Art.

Two of the best designs for fabrics came

(Newcastle, Armstrong college) from Macclesfield, both being for woven tapestry

An uncommon use of perpendicular lines
gave a quaint air of novelty to a little
binding by Willian G. Spencer of Leicester
School of Art; and a rich design of gold
and red on brown leather was used by
William A. Dillnutt of Camberwell (London
County Council) School of Arts and Crafts
in a cover for Scott's poems. Good covers
were also shown by Maud B. S. Bird of Bir-
mingham (Margaret Street), and Alexander
J. Vaughan of the London County Council
School of Arts and Crafts, Camberwell.
The revival of another form of leather-
work, in the shape of caskets, boxes, and

cases of various kinds, with decoration in jewellery cabinet with brass fittings, by annie burman
relief, was responsible for the production of (Birmingham, margaret street)
