Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 53.1911

DOI Heft:
Nr. 222 (September 1911)
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pictorial arrangement. In the exhibition of the "1 "V ERLIN.—The presidential dignity of the
Hamburg Group, a pleasing work, executed with I 3 Secession has passed from Professor Max

marked assurance, is Fr. Missfeldt's Woman ^ Liebermann to the painter Lovis Corinth,

with a Cow, in which the figures are vigorously J—J and Kruse, Gaul, Slevogt, Klimsch, and
delineated in sharply defined outline in an Paul Cassirer, as members of the exhibition com-
atmosphere of wonderful clearness. Carl Schildt's mittee, have given place to Kraus, Barlach, Kar-
summer landscape in Holstein also deserves a dorff, Rosier, and Breyer, but the character of the
word of admiration, and in H. Missfeldt, whose summer exhibition remained much the same as
tenderly modelled marble bust, After the Bath, heretofore. Some of the contributions, like those
ranks among the best pieces of sculpture in the of Th. Th. Heine, Block, Oberlander, Thoma, and
exhibition, one is introduced to an artist who, if Volkmann, laid particular stress on a combination
not of any marked individuality, shows, at any rate, of careful draughtsmanship and pleasant colouring,
great and sure command of form. and although some instances of delicate facture

- also found favour, the general tendency seemed

Of the very comprehensive collection of etchings, to be in the direction of suggestive sketchiness, for
drawings, and other black-and-white work, space simplification in form, for novelty in tone accords
will only permit of a few of the most important and especially for strong colour-notes. This last
being mentioned here. Besides the contributions principle one found accentuated in a comprehen-
of such better-known men

as Hermann Hirzel and
Carl Theodor Meyer

(Basle), a specially inter-
esting series of works are

Hans Volkert's capital

etchings of the little

Suabian town of Besig-

heim. In addition to an

unusual sureness of mani-
pulation and unflagging

industry, these plates, in

which elaboration is carried

out down to the smallest

and finest detail, bear

testimony to a poetic

sentiment and an earnest

striving after perfection.

The tender and toneful

plates of Georg Jahn of

Dresden are executed with

a high degree of technical

skill and amazing virtu-
osity, and Otto Protzen's

more sober and serious

etchings reproduce the

essentially pictorial ele-
ments of a landscape

with surprising certitude.

Rudolf Sieck's gay and

vivacious flower-strewn

gouaches stand out as

veritable little master-
pieces from the multiplicity

of "Graphic" works in

this exhibition. L. D. portrait of h.r.h. the prince regent luitpold. by prof. Walter firle
