Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 54.1912

DOI issue:
No. 223 (October 1911)
DOI article:
Frantz, Henri: A great french landscape painter: Jean Charles Cazin
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AGREAT FRENCH LANDSCAPE by Corot, Daubigny, Troyon, and Millet continued

PAINTER: JEAN CHARLES throughout the entire nineteenth century. Francais,

CAZIN BY HENRI FRANTZ. Jh° die? a few years ag°> and Harpignies, the

doyen of painting m France, are the last great

So far as the French School is concerned the adherents of this school,

nineteenth century stands out pre-eminently as the But while the artistic movement started by the

century of landscape painting. When we com- Barbizon men of 1830 was continuing its progress

mence to study, whether in our galleries, in books, and its influence, there arose, shortly after the

or in engravings, the history of French painting Franco-German War, that school of Impressionist

during the past century, at once on all sides the painting which has had so profound an effect upon

names and the works of the great landscapists are the art of the entire world. But while Impres-

forced upon our notice. First of all it is members sionism was flourishing and was at its artistic

of that magnificent school of 1830, so popular at zenith, it must not be forgotten that there still

present in Great Britain and of which England is remained many other artists of independent spirit

the possessor, as recent exhibitions have proved who continued to paint landscape according

to us, in her private as well as in her public collec- to their own personal ideal, though not without

tions, of so many fine and splendid examples, submitting in some measure, especially as regards

The formulas and traditions of art as evolved their technique, to the influence of the new creed

' i.e marais dans i.e nord " (18-j 7 )

LIV. No. 223.—October 191 i.
