Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 54.1912

DOI Heft:
No. 226 (January 1912)
DOI Artikel:
The New English Art Club's forty-sixth exhibition
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Recent designs in domestic architecture
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Recent Designs in Domestic Architecture

the confidence of his admirers by its insistence Mr. Max Beerbohm covered a large space of one
upon the obvious. wall with witticisms, of which perhaps The Meeting

Whilst among the New English exhibitors there of Signor D'Annunzio and M: Rostand revealed
is in general a well-observed tradition in regard to his style at its best. Mr. Albert Rothenstein was
the mere use of the pigment which shows the bulk very interesting this year. Mention should be
of the pictures to be the work in various phases of made of the Lyme Regis and Chalk Pit by Mr.
a single school, there are among newer members Charles S. Cheston. Other works in various parts
as well as among those who have established the of the exhibition which we should have liked space
present reputation of the Society certain painters to dwell upon are Morning, by Mr. A. C. Mitchell ;
with a quite personal interpretation to give both Qicai Duquesne, Dieppe, by Miss Marjorie Brend;
to figure and landscape subjects. In landscape On the Edge of the Atlantic, Cornwall, by Mr.
Mr. Charles M. Gere showed this very personal Louis A. Sargent; Jeanne, by Lucien Pissarro; Peace
note. The exhibition was rich in good landscape and The Thinker, by Mr. R. J. E. Mooney; The
work this year. Headed by Mr. Wilson Steer's Clipped Horse, by Mr. Robert Bevan ; The Kitchen
The Path of the Storm, there was Mr. W. W. Maid, by Mr. F. H. S. Shepherd ; " The Lamb,"
Russell's The Looe River, Mr. Alfred Hayward's Wallingford, by Miss A. H. Hudson; St. David's,
The Chateau Gaillard, Mr. W. E. Fox's Cheyne South Wales, by Mr. C. L. Colyn Thomson; Ln a
Walk, Chelsea, Mr. David Muirhead's Autumn Chelsea Garden, by Miss Clare Atwood; In the
Fields, Mr. Fred Yates's Snow at Rydal Water, and Garden, by Mr. Ronald Gray; and. Pill, a draw-
Mr. Sydney Lee's The Harbour Pier. A subject ing by Mr. F. Ernest Jackson. We should also
treated with much decorative skill and charm was particularly like to record Miss Gwen John's Girl
Mr. J. E. Southall's Children on the Sands, which Reading at the Window.
we are reproducing.

In portraiture Mrs. Annie L. Swynnerton's |—>^ ECENT DESIGNS IN DOMESTIC
Portrait, an intimate piece of character-reading, ARCHITECTURE,
was highly representative of the technical skill of I \

its painter. A work which must be counted Staplefield Place in Sussex of which we

among the successes of the exhibition was Mr. W. give three illustrations and plan is a successful
G. von Glehn's Les Nenuphars, and his portrait, The attempt to give the repose and comfort of the old
Black Turban, was painted with much vitality. Two manor house, set amongst scenery of which it
women contributors, Miss
A. Fanner and Mrs. Evelyn
Cheston, especially have
come to the front this year.

As usual the section of
drawings and water-colours
contained many of the riches
of the exhibition. It must
be a long day in the history
of art since a painter has
renewed his vitality so
perennially as Mr. Sargent.
In his new style of subject
every day seems to bring him
to a more subtle expression
of sunshine. Mr. Francis
James's flower-pieces showed
no falling off, nor did Mr.
A. W. Rich's landscapes.
Mr. William Orpen was this
year only represented in this
section of the exhibition, but
verv thoroughly all the same,

_ } a 1 ' staplefield place, sussex : entrance front

in The Dancer. clayton and black, architects
