Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 54.1912

DOI Heft:
No. 226 (January 1912)
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Studio- Talk


form tower in the distance like benign watchers the Academy of Art at Cracow, took him back to

sent to guard off evil, the lakes of a " hundred his native land. To this Academy men of note

eyes " with their waters of limpid green, arouse were appointed as professors—all Poles such as von

tender feelings and gentle thoughts in the onlooker, Mehoffer, Falat, Axentowicz, Stanislawski. Under

while to those of a poetic nature the fascination of the last three Glasner studied in turn. In Cracow

this spot is irresistible. Zakopane is to most men he found his real place, for though he afterwards

an unknown corner of the earth, but those who went to Paris, where he worked under Lucien

have once been there are filled with the breath of Simon and others, his native teachers are those to

its spiritual beauty. whom he owes the most. And it is in his native

- land Galicia that he finds the subjects and inspira-

Jakob Glasner is among those who have sue- tions for his pictures—particularly in Zakopane,

cumbed to the spell of Zakopane. He is a native and Zakopane in winter. His pictures here re-

of Kotzawka, a small village in Galicia, where he produced describe scenes from this enchanting

was born in 1879. As a child nothing gave him spot,

more delight than a pencil and paper and a few —

colours. But above all it was the snow which made Jakob Glasner is in all things earnest. He

the deepest impression on his young mind. Chance possesses great power of observation, and a fine

made it possible for Glasner to go to Vienna to appreciation for nature. He expresses what he

study at the Imperial Academy, where he stayed two has to tell by the most simple methods, and in

years. Chance, in the form of the remodelling of this lies the secret of the charm of his work. He