Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 54.1912

DOI Heft:
No. 226 (January 1912)
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period, a year or longer ago; but I cannot get
rid of it. The afternoon comes, evening comes,
I am no further; the following morning it is all
the same over again ; I see no chance to hatch the
egg, and run about nervously like the hen I feel ;
this lasts sometimes a week and longer; and then,
all in a moment, it has come ! Eureka ! Of one of
my pictures, for instance, I put the first stroke at
four o'clock in the afternoon ; at five I had the whole
impression, or rather more than that, on my canvas,
a trifle of no less than a couple of metres in breadth."

" Well, this is my way of working," he continues ;
" rather like a crack-brained fellow or a person pos-
sessed, don't you think ? And if you ask me with what
means and materials, the best things from memory, or
properly speaking not from memory, because, while
the fit has seized me, I am sitting suddenly in the

"the sculptor and clay" by i. joukoff t .... .

(See St. Petersburg Studio-Talk, p. 33o) °Pen alr> 1 see a11 ln the most mmute finesse

as formerly—how long ago I often don't remember
Throughout the whole of his work there is a myself—and I paint, paint intensely, as long as I
search for truth, simplicity, naturalness. There is see it before me, but quick, quick, ever so quick,
no bravura, no straining after any belle beinture or for then I myself am beastly anxious about what
tricky gaudiness, there is no
ostentatious cleverness. It
seems all quite easy, quite C

natural, as if it could not be ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^S^^^^^^^^^^^B^

wrote to me years ago answer-
ing a question of mine how | HI.Hi ,;,

he managed to paint those

" I regard my picture," he -
wrote, " as a good friend

indeed—that is to say, when HgHffl ||MH l"^$W

I have finished ii ; but when uH H J| Hilfll HM' a

I am busy at it I don't caress r"

it over-much, and especially Aj'fe^K ^ $

not now and again with H^^-^^^!^^jB^§^^^|^^^^^|Bro^a^l
several intervals. No, I pw^E^^vlilS&jKM^^^^^^I

begin in this way: in the
morning I enter my studio ;
then there is a walking to and
fro, a sitting here and there,
nowhere rest. Everything
disturbs and agitates me,
even the slightest noise out-
side. For I have struck upon HI
an idea, or rather I have got

an impression; I have 1

thought it over in the night; sideboard in old Russian style designed by a. vasnetzoff

it dates sometimes from a (See Moscow Studio-Talk, p. 333)
