Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 58.1913

DOI Heft:
No. 239 (February 1913)
DOI Artikel:
Recent designs in domestic architecture
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Recent Designs in Domestic Architecture

house at avon dassett, warwickshire : south front arnold mitchell, architect

(Another elevation and a plan are given on p. tfj)

served to give accommodation for these purposes, peaked in the traditional Norfolk manner, small
There is a rain-water supply to the bathroom, the Dutch bricks being used for quoins. The site
water being caught in a tank outside. The south is on a hill overlooking the village of Kelling
front of the new wing faces a garden laid out on and the sea, and the particular shape of the plan
formal lines with stone-paved paths; from here is the outcome of the peculiarities of the site,
there are fine views to the Hampshire hills. since it was desired that some of the principal

The design for a house at Hampstead of which rooms should look over the village and the sea to
we give a full-page illustration recalls in its charac- the North and that there should be a loggia facing
teristic features other recent work by the architect, up a small valley to the south-east. In spite of
Mr. C. H. B. Quennell, F.R.I.B.A., and notably the main vista being towards the north it has been
the house at Bickley in Kent, illustrated in a recent arranged that all the rooms shall have the sun at
number of this magazine. Though the house at some part of the day, following the order in which
Hampstead has been projected on a more ambitious they will as a rule be used throughout the day.
scale than the one just referred to, one notes the The separate entrance and waiting lobby, con-
same endeavour to realise the reposeful character of venient to the gun-room office, are principally for
eighteenth-century domestic architecture, and it the tenants of the estate. The garden house in the
need hardly be said that at a place like Hampstead, foreground faces up an old kitchen-garden which
so full of reminiscences of the days of the first three it is proposed to turn into a bowling alley. The
Georges, such a design is quite appropriate. lounge, which can be made to open to the dining-

Kelling Hall, Norfolk, of
which we give a full-page
illustration from a drawing
by Mr. J. B. Scott, is a
country residence designed
for H. W. A. Deterding,
Esq., by Mr. E. Brantwood
Maufe, A.R.I.B.A., of Lin-
coln's Inn. As regards the
general style of the house
the aim of the architect has
been to make it harmonise
with the environment—to
embody, so to speak, the
spirit of the locality on the
North-East coast of
Norfolk. This house is plan of wild court, hampstead norms

.... r- s- chesterton, architect for alterations

being built Ot local flint (The new walls are shown by the thick black lines ; the old ones by cross-hatching)
