Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 58.1913

DOI Heft:
No. 239 (February 1913)
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Studio- Talk

signs of a belated apprecia-
tion of the beauty of his art.
He has been a member of
the New English Art Club
for many years, and a leader
of the more advanced
society of painters who ex-
hibit at the Carfax under
the title of The Camden
Town Group, or "Neo-
Realists," as it has been
suggested they should more
fittingly be called. To all
lovers of Nature and of
good art, Pissarro's work
makes an irresistible appeal.
The beautiful books which
he has produced at his
" Eragny Press" in Ham-
mersmith are widely known
and appreciated. One of

silver-gilt casket presented to the rt. hon. jesse collings, m.p., ry

the latest productions of this the city of Birmingham, designed by Arthur j. gaskin and executed
Press is the " "\lbum de by the students 0f the vittoria street school of art, Birmingham

(See next page)

Poemes tires du livre de

Jade," some pages of which were shown at the In June last a meeting was held in Kensington
recent Arts and Crafts exhibition at the Grosvenor to consider the advisability of forming a Guild for
Gallery. Artists on a religious basis to include both men and

women "whose main work is any branch of art."
At St. Paul's Chapter House early in November a
SaBM number of musicians, painters and craftsmen

assembled and formed this Guild. The Bishop of
Winchester was elected and has agreed to become
President for the first year. The Guild seeks to
unite in a common Society those artists who believe
~—^a*^ in the Christian Faith and find in it an inspiration

for their life and their art. The Hon. Secretary,
Miss M. C. M. Bergman, 107 Goldhurst Terrace,
South Plampstead, N.W., will forward particulars
.-j^^aiff^^^^^^S^^^gll^^^^OTr") to_anyone wishing for them.

Exhibitions of the last month included oil
paintings and water-colour drawings by Evert Moll
at the Ryder Gallery ; water-colours of Morocco
and Algeria by Maurice Romberg at the Dowdeswell
Galleries. Mr. Wynne Apperley's Impressions of the
Riviera at Messrs. Walker's Gallery, and "Villas
in Italy and Gardens in England " by Mr. Geoffrey
Birkbeck at the Goupil Gallery, where also were to
be seen interesting interpretations of Indian and
Japanese landscape by Mr. John Varley.

WW jjwWWjRj The Chelsea Arts Club Annual Costume Ball

jgSP *B22S9B will be held at the Royal Albert Hall, Kensington,

end view of casket illustrated above on Wednesday, February 26. Tickets are one
