Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 58.1913

DOI Heft:
No. 241 (April 1913)
DOI Artikel:
The public art galleries of Australia
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The Public Art Galleries of Australia

is the best work of its kind
painted in Australia. A
portrait of Sir Henry
Parkes is the work of the
veteran Julian Ashton;
and a vista of Mount
Kosciusko, the highest
peak in Australia, is from
the brush of W. C.
Piquenit, our first Aus-
tralian-born painter, who
is still living in Sydney.
F. P. Mahony and W.
Henry Full wood, who are
now residing in London,
are the painters of some
of the bush scenes hung
on the walls, and Norman
Carter, the leading portrait
„ , AJ, ■, , painter in Sydney, has

"water meadows (Adelaide) by mark fisher r _ _ j j'

several paintings. Mention
should be made of the

has two of his best canvases, A Portrait Study and flower paintings by Mrs. Ellis Rowan, who has
a portrait of Henry Lawson, which was painted in travelled all over the continent to paint the flora
Melbourne at one sitting when our best writer of of Australia. Then there are the miniatures by
short stories was travelling en route for London. Bess Norris and Berenice Edwell, the charcoal
Across the Black Soil Plains is from the brush of drawings by Florence Rodway and the sculpture
W. Lambert. It is a vigorous rendering of a by Percival Ball and Theodora Cowan, one of the
familiar scene, and though far removed from his first Australian women to take up the plastic art.
present style it is a valuable
addition to the group ^of

thea^ 'h^s" ^^^^^^^^^^^

of Collins Street, Melbourne, "the rickyard, winter" (Adelaide) by georce ci.ausen, r.a.