Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 58.1913

DOI issue:
No. 242 (May 1913)
DOI article:
Stodart-Walker, Archibald: The recent paintings of E. A. Walton, R.S.A.
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E. A. Walton, R.S.A.


HE RECENT PAINTINGS OF of Mr. Walton roughly dismissed as " Impres-
E A WALTON R S A. BY A. sionists." Indeed, so far have we moved in these

days of Post-Impressionism and other fantastic
evolutions that such an accredited critic as Sir


An article from the erudite pen of Mr. James L. Claude Phillips rather deplores the reticence and
Caw, the gifted Curator of the National Galleries discretion of those men of the Scottish schools
of Scotland, dealing with the work of Mr. Walton who uphold the traditions of twenty years ago.
appeared in The Studio of August 1902. This So fierce has the tendency become to admire change
article furnished us with an illuminative review of for mere change's sake that the splendid qualities
the main characteristics not only of Mr. Walton's of Scottish landscape painting may even appear
essays in landscape and portraiture but of the reactionary. The decorative qualities which were
whole of that distinguished group called the so marked in the early work of the Glasgow School
Brotherhood of Glasgow Painters, more familiarly have, in their later expression, been assisted by a
known throughout Europe as " The Glasgow more definite presentation of form. This is par-
School." Since the appearance of that study ticularly evident in their portraiture. The early
painting has moved through various phases of ex- portraits seem to have been painted more for the
pression, and the craftsmanship of Mr. Walton delight in the beauty of purely decorative schemes
himself has evolved not a little, and seems to than as attempts to realise form and character,
require a later consideration. There was no very elaborate modelling of the face.

It is diagnostic of the change that has come The design was always simple and naive, the

over the attitude of the public towards modern handling always delicate and " diffident," every-

art that no longer do we hear men of the calibre thing was refined without being "finicky," direct