Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 58.1913

DOI issue:
No. 242 (May 1913)
DOI article:
The ''John Balli'' collection at the Goupil Gallery
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The "John Be

Biicheronne, the only example of his work in the
collection. Here again we have a fine atmospheric
effect rendered with considerable skill, while the
play of sunlight, invariably a feature of the artist's
landscapes, is cleverly depicted. If not charac-
teristic of the more popular side of Troyon's art,
La Mare au pied de la Ferme (p. 303) is one of the
most fascinating pictures in the collection. The
brush-work is masterly, and the subtle colour-
scheme and soft gradation of tones give to this small
work an atmosphere of restfulness and refinement
which is particularly agreeable.

Emile van Marcke is seen to considerable
advantage in a large canvas, Vaches au pdturage
(p. 306). In composition, breadth of treatment
and masterly conception it surpasses anything we
have hitherto seen by this painter. It is not sur-
prising to hear that Mr. Balli had to pay a record
price for this splendid work, and it will be interest-
ing to see what it realises at the forthcoming sale.
Les Charretiers by Rosa Bonheur opposite, though a
good example of that artist's skill in depicting horses,
seems somewhat out of place in this collection.

A small picture by Delacroix, La Miseau Tombeau,
is very decorative in effect and shows that richness
of colour which we expect from the brush of this
master. Particularly beautiful is the green of the
mountains in the background and of the cloak of
one of the figures. Rich also in colour, jewel-like
in parts, is the Pendant le Sermon by Eugene
Isabey, a notable example of this artist's work.
Here we have the interior of a church with
numerous figures. The subject is broadly treated,
the painting of the window in the background being
particularly good.

Of the two pictures by Harpignies, Les Ruines du
Chateau Gaillard is reproduced on this page.
Painted in 1877 it reveals those qualities peculiar
to the matured work of this faithful follower of the
Barbizon men. His fine feeling for the disposition
of light and masses, his sense of decoration and
his characteristic treatment of trees are here well
displayed. Le petit Pecheur, his other work in the
collection, executed in the medium of water-colour, is
not so satisfying. Of the three works by Lhermitte
the most important is the oil-painting La Priere,
showing the interior of a church with five peasant
women in the attitude of prayer. The figures are
well drawn and the spirit of devotion admirably
conveyed. The individuality of the artist is, how-
ever, more pronounced in two characteristic pastels,
Laveuses au bord de Feau and Le Be?iedicite. In this
medium Lhermitte is able to express himself with
wonderful facility.

Hi" Collection

One of the most interesting pictures in the
collection is a small oil-painting by Whistler
entitled Les Voisines, purchased direct from the
artist about 1902. Two figures are seen standing
in a doorway, a simple but characteristic com-
position rich in harmoniously balanced tones.

As a contrast to this little work the collection
contains thewell-known water-colour Friedland 1807
by Meissonier. This enormous drawing, measuring
99 by 57 inches, commands attention not only
by reason of its size, but also by the wonderful
industry and patience it represents. It is a dramatic
rendering of a stirring military incident.

"les ruines du chateau gaillard"

by henri harpignies