Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 61.1914

DOI Heft:
No. 253 (May 1914)
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Studio- Talk

which for so many years its annual exhibitions
have been held, and with it the classic portico
which has for so long been a prominent feature of
New Street. The pastel by Mr. Joseph Southall,
a member of the Society, which is reproduced on
page 319, forms an interesting souvenir of this
structure, now replaced by shop-fronts.

GLASGOW.—James G. Laing, R.S.W.,
President of the Glasgow Art Club, is
exclusively a water-colourist, with all
the facility that comes from constancy
to a particular medium. His subjects are chiefly
architectural, but he gives occasional glimpses of
waterways busy with craft and public rendezvous
animated with men and women. But he is best
known by interiors of the great worshipping shrines:
every English and Scottish cathedral, and many
Continental ones, have claimed his attention.
The fine examples of French Gothic Art make a
strong appeal to him. By his simple medium he
conveys convincingly the ecclesiastical grandeur, the
architectural impressiveness, the reverent suggestive-
ness of church and cathedral. An excellent example
of his work is reproduced opposite. J. T.

PARIS.—M. Ernest Vauthrin, who recently
exhibited some of his work at the Marcel
Bernheim Galleries, must be ranked as one
of the ablest of the painters of seascapes
among the artists of the young French school.
After Cottet, Simon and Dauchez, Vauthrin has
evolved a very profound style in the representation
of sky and sea. In his evening effects in Breton
harbours there are colouristic qualities of a very
high order ; the subtlest shades, the most elusive
reflections are caught and rendered by this artist in
a manner at once most delicate and very attractive
to the beholder of his pictures. Side by side with
these Breton scenes he exhibited an excellent series
of pictures of Holland; and from these one saw
that like the old masters Vauthrin had been inspired
to some powerful and picturesque effects by the
quaint forms and uncommon colour of the wind-
mills. H. F.

BERLIN.—Prof. Wilhelm Wandschneider,
the well-known Berlin sculptor, is one
of the few German artists who have
besides attaining a position of prominence
at home made a name for themselves on the other

