Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 61.1914

DOI issue:
No. 253 (May 1914)
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Studio- Talk

side of the black, white and red boundary posts. In Americans, Karl Schurz, Emil Praetorius and Karl
a critical age such as the present and having regard Daenzer. This monument, called The Naked Truth,
to the unfavourable conditions to which formative was for a long time the subject of public discussion
art and especially plastic art, is subject—this is and both among artists and the general public gave
a matter that should be specially emphasized. In rise to a heated controversy—in fact it was only

many of the larger cities of through the energetic advocacy

Germany works by Prof. of its champions and the per-

Wandschneider are to be _________ sistence of the committee in

found occupying conspicuous charge of the awards that
positions in public places. In BT'^___ Prof. Wandschneider's design
Berlin itself his monument to _M^__I was ultimately adopted. As
Werner Siemens the distin- an illustration of it is here
guished inventor, stands in given it is unnecessary to corn-
front of the Technical High ment on it in detail. Prof.
School, and at the Tier- Wandschneider is by no means
garten of the Imperial JR a stranger to the English pub-
capital there is another fine lie. Several of his works—
example of his work in the ML c^Ri, i among them the Beatrice here
shape of a life-sized nude BHEMlfo'^flfWi illustrated—have appeared in
figure of a youth holding a the exhibitions of the Royal
wreath, the symbol of victory, Academy in London and at-
in his hand. This work, of tracted much attention.

which a reproduction is here f f -

given, was purchased by the Perfect freedom to express

Kaiser at the great Berlin himself in his own way—this

Art Exhibition of 1906 and is what Prof. Wandschneider

by his Majesty's command aims at above all else. He is

was placed in the Tiergarten. an indefatigable worker and

Dortmund has a monument inexhaustible in his fund of

to the Emperor Frederick 'I artistic ideas. At the present

designed by Prof. Wand- moment he is busy with the

Schneider, who won the first carrying out of a large work,

prize in the open competition and again he is participating

and again in the limited com- in a competition which calls

petition for the monument; for all the resources of a man

he is worthily represented in of energy. The various works

Schwerin by a monument to of his which are here illus-

the Grand Duke Frederick trated, sufficiently demonstrate

Francis III, and in numerous the capacity of this versatile

other places by kindred iia&l artist both for monumental

works. _ works of imposing proportions

hermes portrait bust, by prof. anci for undertakings of a

a _ , , , wilhelm wandschneider , . , ... „ ...

Among works executed by smaller kind. W. E. W.

Prof. Wandschneider for -

a foreign destination, two in particular call for At the Gurlitt Salon an interesting selection of

mention. One is a monument to Barclay de Tolly paintings and sculpture was offered during March

at Riga, the Baltic seaport. It is a bronze statue —mostly the work of younger artists full of ardent

nearly twenty feet high on a granite pedestal, and emotion whose strivings already appear to give

the general effect is very impressive. The sculptor evidence of style. The group of works represent-

sent in three designs for this competition and was ing the sculptor Richard Langer showed that he

awarded the three first prizes for them. The other has been influenced by Minne and Maillol, which

of the two monuments is one which has been set up means that he works with Gothic veracity and

in St. Louis, the capital of the State of Missouri in sensibility. Some heads by Kuldiansky impressed

America, in honour of the three celebrated German- one by their communicative power and by an