Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 61.1914

DOI issue:
No. 253 (May 1914)
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Studio- Talk

miniatures were shown by Fanny

The graphic art displayed showed
that great interest is being shown in
this branch of pictorial art: among
those whose names should be noted are
Eva Beve, whose wood-cuts are remark-
ably bold and energetic, Elsa Bjork-
man and Ragnhild Nordenstern, both
clever and capable etchers, and Thyra
Kleen, whose coloured drawings are
original, imaginative, and pleasing. The
sculpture included several items of ex-
cellent quality, such as Ida Thoresen's
Over the Depths, executed in bronze;
The Sun- Worshipper, by the same
artist, a monumental figure in marble
remarkable for spiritual expression
and nobility of conception; Agnes
Frumerie's Aqua, a work of monumental
"time" etching uy ragnhild nordenstern size, graceful, well-conceived, and ex-

(Swedish Women Artist? Exhibition, Vienna) cellently modelled, and a portrait bust

pieces are treated in an original
manner, yet show a leaning to the
Venetian School. Hildegard
Thorell exhibited some fine por-
traits, thoughtfully and artistically
executed ; Stina Beck-Friis, a clever
portrait; and Mina Carlson a well-
studied self-portrait. Lilly Seger-
dahl's studies of peasants were both
interesting and finely rendered.
Elizabeth Barnekow exhibited a
portrait of the Swedish sculptor
Boberg, remarkable for the charac-
teristic manner in which she has
revealed the energetic and sympa-
thetic qualities of the artist.
Charlotte Wahlstrom's Swedish
landscapes are treated with skill
and felicity. Other painters whose
names should at least be noted
down are Signe Gronberger, Gerda
Tiren, Ida Tornstrom, Emma Toll,
a flower-painter of great merit,
Eva Edling, Edith von KnafH-
Granstrom, whose fishing villages
are remarkable for the freshness of
colouring and vigour of treatment,
and Elsa Hammer-Moeschlin, a

. t • , c c portrait of the swedish sculptor, liOBERG

painter in water-colours of a fine '

" . by elizabeth barnekow

tone and quality. Some interesting (Swedish Women Artists'Exhibition, Vienna)
