Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 86.1923

DOI Heft:
No. 366 (September 1923)
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{From our own Correspondents.)

LONDON.—It is welcome news that
Sir Joseph Duveen intends to establish
at the Tate Gallery a special gallery, which,
we understand, will be used to accommo-
date the works of John Singer Sargent,
R.A. It is also announced that a sum of
fifty thousand pounds has been given to
this Gallery by Mr. Samuel Courtauld for
the purchase of works by modern foreign
artists. a 0 0 0 0

Through the generosity of Mr. Alfred
Bossom, of New York, the Royal Institute
of British Architects has been enabled to
inaugurate a Travelling Studentship for
the encouragement of the study of com-
mercial architecture. A jury, consisting of
three architects, a builder and a property
owner, will set a subject each year, and a
local jury will award a silver medal for the
best design from each school. The work
of the silver medallists will then be
examined by the central jury, and a can-
didate will be chosen for the award of a
gold medal and a Travelling Studentship.
The holder will be required to pursue his
studies for at least six months in the United
States. 000000
All interested in applied art will be
pleased to learn that a Decorators’ Exhibi-
tion is to be held at Holland Park Hall,
opening on October 17th. The exhibition
is promoted by the master-decorators
through their National Federation, and its
aim is to demonstrate to the public the
materials and methods of the craft.
Ventures such as this, which make for co-
operation between the decorator and his
patron, are worthy of every encouragement.

We are informed that the Old Dudley
Art Society are leaving the Alpine Club
Gallery, which has been their home for
just on twenty years, and are holding their
next (open) exhibition at the new Elliott
and Fry Gallery in Baker Street. 0 0

At the Victoria and Albert Museum
there is exhibited a large and fine group
of works of art, comprising metal work,
wood and leather work, sculpture and
pottery, presented to the nation by Mrs.
Alfred Williams Hearn. 000
The etching here reproduced is from an
exhibition of Miss Peggy Sutton's coloured

dry-points, recently held at the Sloane Gal-
leries. Miss Sutton studied in London
and Paris, and especially under Mr. Frank
Brangwyn, R.A., to whose sound vision
she owes much, while she has been able
to escape the rather too potent influence
that very individual artist is apt to exercise.

Her work has lately been coming into
prominence, more especially her dry-points
of children, in which her delicacy of line
and her quick grasp of childish attraction
are particularly shown. Her use of colour
is distinctively her own. It is, of course,
applied to the plate and printed in the
ordinary way, but is used very sparingly
and merely to lighten and heighten the
effect; and her good judgment has enabled
her to escape the dangers to which this
medium, or something like it, is particularly
liable. 000000

