Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 86.1923

DOI Heft:
No. 369 (December 19239
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charming illustrations in colour and black-
and-white, should help to solve the difficul-
ties of those who are searching for some-
thing suitable for the young. 0 0

A Short Account of the Town of Tewkes-
bury. Described and illustrated with wood-
cuts byDoROTHYA.H.Mills.(Cheltenham •
J. Banks.) 5s. net. The stream of progress has
washed away many beautiful things, among
them old-world houses and other buildings
which had power to charm not merely be-
cause of their antiquity but also because
they were sound in principle. It behoves
us, therefore, to rejoice in what we have
left and to preserve it, so far as may be,
from the assaults of decay. Miss Mills has
been visited with the happy idea of issuing
a brief description of the historic town of
Tewkesbury, illustrated with her ably
executed woodcuts, which are well adapted
to the atmosphere of the story she relates
in a pleasing and unpretentious manner.

Scottish Pottery. By J. Arnold Fleming,
O.B.E. (Glasgow : Maclehose, Jackson and
Co.), 255. net. An interesting and compre-
hensive record of pottery making north of
the Tweed, from its earliest manifestations
up to the present day. Where records are
available, Mr. Fleming supplies a detailed
history of the various undertakings which
have been launched from time to time in
Glasgow and other parts of Scotland.
These enterprises seem very largely to
have been kept alive by imported ideas and
labour, and there is comparatively little
evidence of inspired contributions from
native designers or craftsmen. The few
illustrations included of early “ brown
ware,” simple domestic utensils for the
most part, have a character and interest
lacking in many of the later and more
sophisticated productions. The volume
should prove a useful addition to the
collector’s shelves. 0000
Christmas Cards. Published by the
Trustees of the British Museum. (Obtain-
able from the Museum, 2d. each, set of
six is., set of fifteen 2s. 6d.) In appropriate-
ness and quality of production, these cards
(of which we reproduce two in colour
facing page 224) are excellent. The early
books of Hours, etc., contain many
examples of sincere devotional sentiment
expressed pictorially in rich and tasteful
colour ; and the Trustees of the Museum



have done well to provide reproductions of
some of these at a fitting time. 0 0

“ The Studio ” Special Winter Num-
ber this year will be devoted to British
Book-Illustration, Yesterday and To-Day,
and will contain over a hundred illustra-
tions (sixteen of them in colours) and a
critical and historical commentary by the
well-known authority, Mr. Malcolm C.
Salaman. When such names as Blake,
Bewick, Tenniel, Leach and Phil May are
recalled, the importance and interest of
this publication at once become obvious.
The collaboration between author and
illustrator has produced most happy re-
sults in the British book-world, and a
survey of the pictorial side of this partner-
ship, such as this volume provides, should
be of special interest to many of our readers.


WE learn, with deep regret, that
Mr. E. Reginald Frampton, R.O.I.,
died suddenly in Paris on November 4th.
Mr. Frampton’s work will be well known
to our readers : an article on his land-
scapes appeared in our pages as recently
as July of this year, and we issued a colour
collotype facsimile reproduction of his
painting, The Island of Brecqhou, off Sark.
He was a frequent exhibitor in London and
Paris, and his loss will be regretted in
British and Continental art circles.
