Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
loading ...
1 cm


Hagaraiidblu'.iacl.bi Yiih. of Fbrcnco .-...... --■■

HaUia* Court;.-..............-......-..............■•■

Hnn-onnndSt m" Cat redCabinet andGlass........-.


HerMdtaTabta-cloih-Atr.-.^cfai: Nation*..........

Jlornsby's Portable S:c:.iv.eu;luc wJ Thrashing Ma-

Howard's Patent Plough------......• ■■■......... .....

liunlcrAndThiev, I; Jerkhv.i, ol Denmark ........

Indian >;;'.ii' Ihr^co-vvcdhi I v.»:->■. .1'. Mor-l-cJabad .. )01

Inlaid Caimcl.by Corner.........................------ ■ilO

Inlaid Wood Table, from Ceylon -.................. ICC

nnocenee protected by Fulclit;. l> lkutonl.......... 64

Ionian Wand-; Contributions....................... ICS

Iron Park-pile.", by Cottaiuami :iillcn................ lfJi

Ivory (aw in e—Procession of a Xatlro Indian Prlnco,

from Morshedabad .............................. 101


Jewelled Fiirure of Britannia.......................... 330

Jewelled Haw!:, bjIoiiKiiij; to ll".' Iluko of Devonshire., 45

Kolth>aik Trophy.............................„. 31", ?13

Kin,-".' i;as CooiUis Uange '.....................*..... 1SI

Knife. F.irk.aiu! Simon, by I.;r .i .ct aril livilings — 20T

Knh-i-Xoov, or Mountain of Li^hl....................5. CO

Kidder's iLiipri'YiiiK'iusinBra.'. '.:;-:ni:ocn'.i(uFiEures! iSJ

Lamp, by Supo....................................— 420

Lectern, by CoUincliam......._____..............------ 341

Liberation of Caractaeu;, by 1'......mo ........»....... 1T3

Lift Eoa'.- \i Engravings).............;................ 236

Machinery Court.............................-........

M'Connick's Arocrie.vi itov.u; M..eh!:io.........------

Majolica Vasw, W.V.IT;!.-. \...by .M'.utonand Co..... 1

Malachite Door- ami Va«;» mi ill.- Uu>-ian Department 3

Marble ("..mi.. > -v...: U.iio.' Frame. fi.v.:i M.I in

Marble Flrc-pbccbj- jrhaTIi--ma-: Sieve, by Fcclbam .'

MnrbloVaso. by Van Linden....................------- 3

HnrgetsonoudCo.™ Caned Baptismal font........... 1

Mnro.uctcrio Table, h? L\v.;;ry and Sons............... I

Medltuvnl Candles ........_____ ----------........... '.

MediaevalCoett ...___......------.................... 1

Mexican Figures, by Montanat I........................ i

■ Michael (SlIOveiilirouiniT tho Dragon................ 1

Mfddtcton's Centripetal Wfcco'Plato..................

Min'atiiro Gtaod Pianoforte,b) Klrkroan ............

Miniature Pianoforte, by Montal...................... :

Model Houses fo; lUc Labouring Clashes, exhibited by

Prince Albert......................................

Model of Hm Monument to ll.c L'url of Durham In

Caantl taxil...........___..........■............. :

ModolsofShipsaiidltoits-Ioda _______............

Monoclcld Cabloci. by Snpwlth........................

Mosaic Table, by liarbert..............................

Mourners. The, by Go-jgh............................

Murder of the Innocents, by Geek, of Brussels........

Muse, Mclpoinciio, by Gropius..,.......................

Ken-Pattern for Dinner. I'liilc.bv Fell and Co......... TOT

Xuriiiaii l';iitiie..l\vi„,[,v.v, i,y.Hiil.,-,-.u ............ ii\

Korth Transept— Great Ctatci of Die Cenlbrook-ualo

Company.......*........... ....................... 40

Jv'ymphof Lurlcibcrg.byEiiselhnrd.................... SS

Opening of the Great rvh-li ton, Mav M.J&l ......24,

Origin of the Quarrel of Hie Qnolpbsaud Ublbc1lioci>, by

F. 11. Flckersglll, A.K.A------......................

Ormolu Chandelier, by Bornsloru"...................... I

Ormolu Clock-stand, by Potts........................ '

Ormolu Flower stand, by Potts........................ 5

Ornamental China, by Mlntou........................ 2

Ornamental Iron-Work Dome, by (be Coalbrookdalo


Ornamental Leather, by Dnlud, Pnrfs.................. 2

Ornamental Slate'Tablo.............................. i


Paml Decorations, by Hnaoldon........................ '■

Panel of a Sieve, by Jcafccs............................ 4

Paolo and Franceses, by A. Munro.................... i

Paper Pultoron. by Scott, iv.l-.b. ri.ou and Co......... :

Paper Pntlcriis, by Turner nud Co................. . '.

Pnplcr MachC Canterbury, by Jer.neni and liotlrldfie .. ',
Papier MSclit* Jenclt.ve. by Jt:u.ei;3 aud Lollrldjso ..

Papier Macbc Veu'.ll.tor, by IJiclelcld ................ i

Patent Ornamental Mirror, by Khld.................. ;

l"aul aod Virginia, by Cumberworih .................. •

PastOO, Portrait of....................................

Pianoforte, by Collard and CoUard.................... !

Puuofurtc, by Pane, of Pari*.......................... !

Pllllscher's Microscopo ..........-.....................

Pistol, by M. Lepago..........................---------

PleiadesAdomliu; Nfjlitlla Parian),by Koseand Co...

Poreebin CandcLibtum .............................. >.

Porcelain and E.ulhi.aw.'uo Florfor Stands, by Small
aod Mallug.......................................

Porcelain Vases, k-:., by llai;sacil. of Paris............

Pottery, by Avlsscatl (i Eu(^avin;s).................... :

Prlo Dieu, by Lestlor........___.....................

Printing Machine. In tbv Great Ksbtbltlon, o( tlio Illus-
trated LoudouKons ..........................3J6,

■u .MedaLt-i\o. GS, by M. LlippolytO Uounardel;
No. 2!, by Mr. Leonard Vyon; Ho. 103. bv Mr.
G. G. Adams......................................

UriE Pistol, by Dovl-mo............................


Queen and Priu.-eof Wales, bi litll___*____......... IK

Queen* Wi'.Udra«i:« Uociu, lit: .\I;j^.-ti s Arrival at

ibo Xouh (intranet)................._____...... CO


]iatl:;i; lor a T:.mb—Coall !.-■.; .laic Comiwty . -...... 2TT

Jtan;«iue and Jl;i*"» Cnue Top (Ju'.tcc.................. I3o

Kceds I'jtvat tflr.uilc:c.*s Loom ...................... 170

Revolving PUlol; by Uorlsmo.......................... 3Su

Itoad to tbo KAblb:tlon-llyde Park Corner .......... 33

lkv.iiuiir.0-i, by J. Tboinoa............................ 5

Koyal l'me^ssiuii at (lie Opening of tbo Great Exhi-
bition............................................56, 6T

HlK--.ll Ill.iV.i.iel::, >ia\.,l:.le DoOrs............----- 4

ltoulan Parquet; lor Floors.......................... 32S

Hun :>*::»;; -i-. '■• •••. lb,- Xi-:!i :r;.':i I- .........s.


Salt-cellars, by Leas aod Sons.......................... 341

Scene.4 in liilerior .:( t-o Great EihlUtiOn............ 41

Secretaire, by Sueli..........................___...... T,6

fbvil.by Webbn ami llaln_____.................... 3SI

S!ia«l Pattern, by .latie .'iiaml Hauks................ 345

Sbk:.l and Ann?, by M. Lo Pago.................____ 34^

Shield cf r.io Amu of all .Nations In liimiucl.......... 211

Sblo:.-.i:.l.by 1 taming ....................____...... 418

$;>:e1*ird,by Me^-rv. Suell......-..................... 3SS

Sidcbiar.l. i.j l'..unuols .............................. 3S3

Slikb.-ar.l, 1 y .-..v;*ui-. nud Giaba-n------------.......... 102

^idt-n.ard. (iii'.ta 1'orehi Coii-.p.iu. .,....... VS

tfiivev lii-inn-'.i. :"rom the I old n I-'audi................ 160

Silver Ciiott.)siy. by Liajaml Sam.................... IK

Silver Cup, by Fik.., SwlUMihlul...................... 30S

Silver Vihh, by Ansel...................-.............. 20,

Silver Ink-l:m-l, by Lamberl ...i I lt.iniiug-t............ SC$

Silver Sall-ccllani, by Moroll ......................... ' n>

Silver Soup Turc'0, by Odiot..................... " 4,0

Silver Vase, by Odiot................(K..............,. 33

Sliver Vase, by Wagner, Berlin____...........____. gg

Silver Wlno Fla,;oi-,s, by Limberl aud Runllng* (2,Eu-

era'lngol.......................................... 155

f.illlu.le. exhibited by ihe Ail I uiou.................. ijj

South Kndof the liuihlliuj............................ 4g

Specimen of Jdi. Iln^-Tbe l'il.;r:i.rs Progress, by Loigd-

ten and Co......___............................... 257

Specimen of noHow Brlek-vvork ...................... 82

Specimens of Hooks ___.........>.................... 3n

Stained Windows, by Gibson P......................... so

Stained Windows, by Martin of Troyca................ Jgj

Stamped llr.vi Cor:iiec. by \Y infield and Co. .....____ 3J(

Swmlicd Loalhi r Ucisaicents. by LenkO..............,. 3]j

Stand and Casket, by Wcrtbelir.er.................... 32$

Startled Xyuiph, by Holmes............................ 300

State llcd-lead-. by l.obtler. of Vienna ............... 232

Slate Hoivdab from lu.b.i, L\hitaled by Jlcr .Majesty .. 69

Stntuotlc, by Djuikhorn. (2 l^i^raviugs).............. 3^'

Steam Knglne, by Kvnns-----......................... 314

Stove, Jobson arid Co., Sheffield...................... gj

Stove, by Messrs. Carraud ltobertson.................. 323

Sto«cU and Bldon Group, by iho late Mr. L. Watson .. 220

Successive Stages <■< Glass bloiiliig.................... jo

Sugar Spoons, by Lias --------......................... 399,

Susannah, by A. Oalll................,.. _________ 07

Suspension, by VotsinUoox............................ 24S

Svvordand Handle, by Delaeour...................... 31s

Sword and Handle, by M. L« Paso.................... 346


Table and liookcivc. by G. .1. Moraut.................. 100.

Tablo in lilecire-iliver. l'.:ikim;lons} the property of

Her Majesty ...................................... 253

Tnpcttry Ptittom, b) Bright and,Co................... 39

Tapestry Pattern, by Crus.der llahfai ................ JT1.

Tassels and Frlusc, by Burg.......................... 268

Ten and Coffee Serine, by Smiley.................... ISA-
Three Specimens of Wall Decorations, in Cannabic, by

Albino............................................ 28$

Toledo Blade, by M. Do Vfnsl ........................ 40

Transparent Blind, by Bach ...............-.......... 3i3

Vase, by Cclilui....................................... 421

Vase in Sevres Porcelain......'........................ 214

Vase, by Hiking ton................................... 242

Vdsc, and Two Groups hi S\'.\c:. by l'lOmcnl-Mourko.. 2b3

Vase, by Odiot............................------....... 2*S

Veiled Slave in the Market, by It. Monti.............. 61

Vic:ory, by Nelson____............-------------......... 113

Viow of the Western Xr.ve of the Great Inhibition, 1M, 1S5

View in tho French Department...................... 3?2

Vintage Garden Vaso............................... 421

Vitioi's Guardian Angel ----------------.................. 247

Wall Decoration, by Morani..................____ 1T2

Wanderer, Tho. by Foley............................. 2K>

Wardrobe, by Wilkinson.....................;....... J28

Watch. The Uo-r, by .1. .Ion:;. Stiaud ----------------------- 31i

Watt'sKwtLocomottvoEiigiuo ___ ........ _____ 3i0

We-strup-s Coaler.; FiouMnUl.......................... 13

Works in Artificial Stouc.............................. HI

Whites Patent Tugs................................ 300

Wood carving in Walnut wood, Messrs. Cooks, Warwick IK

Wi.rkt.ib1... f;ou. llaiiihurch........". .f*.............. 3S1

Worked Muslin Curtain, from S nit F.erlaud—Vioirof tho

Village of AppcDzball.............................. SW

Writing Bureau, by Itamendahl...................... 4IJ