Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Mi.)l>Ki, ILOl-*!CS 1

■: LAIiOUlilMti C.I.A


JEW wto'TOiied the wonders of wealth and industry exhibited within
the Crystal Palace, can have passed unnoticed a small block of neat,
^eerful-looking houses, newly-erected, which stand at the side of the drive,
alittle west ol" the Barracks, and not far from the south entrance of the
Swat Exhibition. These were the philanthropic work of the Prince

Auiaorf j who, in the midst of the splendid attractions of a court, and the
pursuits of science and art in their higher branches, lias not disdained to
givea careful consideration to the condition of the hardworking artisan,
111 tlle llm'ibler fields of industry. It was an intervention which was much
IT^1' wnitl' humanity had loudly called out for in vain, as all know
|o baVe inspected the abodes of the industrious and poorer classes, not
IJ m t,,c C1"<wrtcd city, but in the rural village; for neglect for the

'l,,L'™,BS of others, and a niggardly .denial of the essentials of health,
Mnlmcss, and comfort, have been equally manifested in the town and
I'rovmcial districts throughout the country.

tiie!"" ?M loue beeu n cryi"s evil' bllt t0° lous 01ilylieard «* iho wail of

oMy^and defenceless, and dependent classes, which found no way into
rKMl)Elt 8, 1951.

So. (i, No

the oars, much less into the hearts, of those who should have heard their
complaint, and solaced their rugged course of life, by all means reasonably
within their power. It was not until-half-a-dozen years ago that the sani-
tary condition of the poorer classes was forced upon the attention of the
Legislature and the Government, as a matter worthy of public consi-
deration; and the pleadings of the humane and the warnings of the wiso
having been fearfully supported and confirmed by that providential seourge,
the cholera, a Hoard of Hoalth was appointed, with certain powers, which
have already been put in course of carrying into operation in nearly two
hundred populous districts, with already very important and salutary
results. . The disclosures made by the Inspectors appointed by this Board,
as to the wretched homo accommodation of the poorer classes, which
existed as a rule, with scarcely any exception, throughout the kingdom;
the utter want of drainage, of water supply, of the ordinary precautions for
the means of personal cleanliness, and the denial of the breath of life,
through a wholesale and'almost wilful neglect of ventilation, were such as
to startle many even of those inhabitants of the very towns in which theso
flagrant evils existed. The consequences upon the health of communities
were also shown to be most serious, excessive mortality existing in some
Phice Oxe Pens}-,
