Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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G U N S.
A 5I0KG tlio guns exhibited, oiie ease from Birmingham presented
epitome of the trade. First was a common flint musket wit]
stained beech stock, sold wholesale for about a dozen shil-
lings, for the African trade, and a much better article thn.11
what used to he made in the ojd slave-trado days, when a
gun was the price" for a man ; still, although warranted,
•the African musket is of low manufacture. By steps, im-
provements and ornaments are introduced, until we are led
from the plain double gun for the American market to tlio
best article that Birmingham can product1, elaborately orna-

Some of the guns were '100/. each; and the low-priced ,
5s. 6& A very instructive collection was exhibited by Mr.
H. Hart, showing the complete manufacture of gun-barrels,
from the old horse-shoe stubs of the earliest periods, to the
latest improvements.

Ju the collection of Messrs. Tipping & Co, there was a
complete collection of iron and steel in various combinations,
for being ultimately welded into gun-barrels. The metal *

was shown formed into a " bloom," welded into a rod, rolled into a flat
bar, coiled round a mandril like a ribbou, then welded into a barrel,
ground, filed, and linally finished. All the separate parts of a gun, show-

from getting to the powder. Mif. Ncedham, of Piccadilly ^
peculiarities in the form of self-priming muskets, self-I' v"
and guns to load at the breech. Mr. Beckwith, of SiioJv?f
some blunderbuses, with six radiating barrels. Erakvne's ' """%
waterproof and safety gun (also exhibited) provides in on ^r^Hto


iiig the vast number of pieces that go to make up tjie whole, were also to
be seen.

Colonel Peter Hawker not only sent a famous Stanchion gun, which
loads at the breech, and balances so nicely that a finger
touch is sufficient to adjust the aim; but a very neat
model of an improved punt, for wild-duel; shooting.
Colonel Hawker also exhibited "a new double gun for
1851," the novelty of which is the self-adjusting primers,
without cover or spring, that will not only defy wet
weather, but also the" saline atmosphere in sea-coast
service—iu which he has proved the failure of all
copper-caps and fine powder. 'This new gun lias coni-
cal brceehmgs that will admit, when required—as in
wet weather, or at sea—the use of the largest grain can-

There wore not exhibited many remarkable novel-
tics, tlio chief merit consisting in excellence of work-
manship and high finish. Messrs. Manton and Soil, 'of
Dover-street, were cxlnbitorsofsoveralof theircclebratod
double-barrels, most beautifully finished. Messrs. Westley, Tvichards, and
Son, of Birarhighani, exhibited specimens of rifles and " double tiger
guns." Nearly all the best makers, indeed, sent contributions in sonio
, form or other. Among the novelties, may bo noticed the protector against
wot, invented by Mr. Gibbs, of Bristol, which consists of a small India-
rubber cover (that fits over the nipple of the gun, and prevents any wot

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tho percussion-cap being prevented from ^exploding by exposure to ffi)
rain, and also prevents the accidental discharge of the gun by the liamit"
falling. This is effected in a very simple manner, Auij.ii
shield, containing a ring of India-rubber, encloses the gj
completely, so as to keep out all .damp; and at the sua;
time, .prevent the hammer striking tho cap, should it fjii
accidentally. The instant the gun is brought to the slud-
der, for the purpose of firing, a spring in tho butt of fe
gun; by the mere pressure against the shoulder, releases &
shield, which flies up, and leaves the cap free fortheacia
of the hammer.

Mr. Greener, of Birmingham, exhibited a numerous t&
lection of guns; one being intended to fire a rocket siihi
line from a life-boat to a ship in distress, and another fa
discharge a barbed harpoon into the bodies of spermwlulB
Both these guns arc formed of Bi-am'ah's metal (broiiH)-
copper with a small proportion of tin. Here were also ait-
ral varieties of steel in connexion with iron, demonstnlBS
its tenacity, capability for extension, and density; andtbB
was well exemplified in a pair of double guns, which an
stated to bo, by the elasticity of their material, superior to
any other combination of metal for gun-barrels.
Ainong the curiosities, was a gnu fitted up in the shank of
another in an ordinary walking-stick. &c. Mr. Hart, of Bh-mhigliao
an invention'"to make any gun shoot well, however lightly
charged," and by which "a single shot of any gun-charge, t:
distance of JO yards, will appear upon au iron target, the size of a


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piece; or, in its progress, a single corn of sin
Mr. Uoddard showed lirst-elass fowling-pieces—an iiiii^'^-y- - -
East Indian Company's raumi musket, an African muski't: a $

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American du^-^;.

formau Protector," from which are fired sugar-loaf balls, wh
""* yai'ds' distance.