Scholarly Annotations of the Digital Facsimile

Scholarly annotations are a way of enriching the experience as users of the digital facsimile of the Anthologia Palatina. They identify the texts on the page, provide links to useful resources on the web and include philological and historical commentaries. They are created using a module developed at the university library and located in a sidebar on the right side of the screen.

The annotation are created mainly in collaboration with two research projects:

Annotations on a page identify all the epigrams and scholia present in it, as well as the corresponding area of the image. In the body of the annotation users can find links to transcriptions, editions and related entries in relevant databases (anthologia, perseus). Some annotations also include longer scholarly commentaries about the text or related objects, which might help readers in their exploration and study of the manuscript.

To know more details about the features and structures of the annotations, consult the guidelines followed in their creation here. The annotated digital facsimile can be found here.