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Pbogeess of Egyptology.

inscriptions of the chapel and tomb of Osiris on the east side of the temple
of Apt at Karnak.

Foucaet, Rev. Arch, xxxviii. 448, reviews Petrie's Royal Tombs, i.; ib.
xxxvii. 171, reviews Ramesseum and Tomb of Ptahhotep; in Sphinx, iv.
194, reviews Hierakonpolis, i.; ib. iv. 70, reviews Petrie's Bender eh.

Wiedemann, 0. L. Z. iii. 330, reviews Hierakonpolis, i.; cf. Max
Miiller, ib. 337.

Loeet, Sphinx, v. 37, reviews Amelineau's Les Nouvelles Fouilles
d'Abydos and Tombeau d'Osiris.

Von Bissing, Sphinx, v. 53, reviews Moritz, Excursion aux Oasis.

Piehl, Sphinx, iv. 225, reviews Loret's Fouilles dans la Necropole
Memphite, 1897-99, and ib. Ill, notices various other memoirs.

Max Mulleb, 0. L. Z. iv. 66, reviews Bendereh.

Maspeeo, Rev. Grit., 20 Mai, 1901, reviews Hierakonpolis, i.

Memoibs, etc., on Excavations.

Peteie, Biospolis Parva. In this memoir the writer gives an account
of his excavations at Abadiyeh and Hu in 1898-9, in cemeteries of the
prehistoric period, of the Old and Middle Kingdoms, and of the XVIIIth
Dynasty, also in the Ptolemaic enclosure, afterwards converted into a
Roman fort. But the great interest of the volume consists in the attempt
to establish a system of sequence dating by a digest of prehistoric material;
this occupies a large part of the book (see below, p. 45).

Peteie, Royal Tombs of the Earliest Bynasties, part ii., with the
supplementary plates. This contains the bulk of the new material found
on the sites indicated by the title, though the final working over of the large
mass of fragments is reserved until access can be had to those accumulated
in previous excavations at Abydos.

Boechaedt, A. Z. xxxviii. 94, reports on the excavations at the obelisK
temple of Ra at Abusir. The portion of the enclosure lying in front of the
obelisk having been nearly cleared during the previous season, in 1899-1900
the part lying at the back and sides was attacked. This displays a more
complex plan than had been suspected. The most important discovery is
that of a chapel on the south side. A considerable amount of sculpture
remains here, showing religious scenes connected with the building of the
temple and a heb-sed festival, similar to that of later times. Behind the
chapel, the walls of the passage previously traced round the eastern court
of the enclosure have again been met with, and fine fragments of scenes
illustrating wild life, care of the flocks, agriculture, etc., have been recovered